How do I change the color of a line in CSS?

How do I change the color of a line in CSS?

The text-decoration-color property sets the color of the underline, overline, or line-through on text with the text-decoration property applied. It can also set the underline color on links.

How do you color text in decorations?

The text-decoration-color CSS property sets the color of decorations added to text by text-decoration-line . The color applies to decorations, such as underlines, overlines, strikethroughs, and wavy lines like those used to mark misspellings, in the scope of the property’s value.

How do you change the color of text in CSS?

Changing Inline Text Color in CSS Simply add the appropriate CSS selector and define the color property with the value you want. For example, say you want to change the color of all paragraphs on your site to navy. Then you’d add p {color: #000080; } to the head section of your HTML file.

What is text-decoration in CSS?

The text-decoration shorthand CSS property sets the appearance of decorative lines on text. It is a shorthand for text-decoration-line , text-decoration-color , text-decoration-style , and the newer text-decoration-thickness property.

What does text-decoration do in CSS?

How do I color underline text in CSS?

By default, the color of the underline is black. In CSS, we will use text-decoration property to style underline. CSS text-decoration-color Property: This property is used to specify the color of decorations (overlines, underlines, and line-throughs) over the text.

How do you color underline?

Select the text that you want to underline. Tip: You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+D. Use the Underline style drop-down list to select an underline style. Use the Underline color drop-down list to change the color of the line.

¿Cómo conseguir el efecto subrayado a través de CSS?

Para conseguir el efecto de texto subrayado a través de css, vamos a tener que hacer algún paso más, pero el resultado merecerá la pena. De nuevo, vamos a tener dos formas distintas de hacerlo.

¿Cómo subrayar un texto en HTML?

Subrayar el texto con html La opción más sencilla para subrayar un texto en html es usando la etiqueta . Esta etiqueta recoge la primera letra de la palabra “underline”, que significar subrayar en inglés.

¿Qué significa subrayar en inglés?

Esta etiqueta recoge la primera letra de la palabra “underline”, que significar subrayar en inglés. Simplemente añadiremos (la apertura de la etiqueta) delante del texto a subrayar, y también añadiremos (El cierre de la etiqueta) detrás del texto que queramos subrayar. Y listo.

How do I change the color of a line in CSS? The text-decoration-color property sets the color of the underline, overline, or line-through on text with the text-decoration property applied. It can also set the underline color on links. How do you color text in decorations? The text-decoration-color CSS property sets the color of decorations…