How does infiltration trench work?

How does infiltration trench work?

An infiltration trench is a long, narrow, shallow excavation located over porous soils and back-filled with stone to form a subsurface reservoir to hold stormwater and allow it to infiltrate the soil. The sheet flow enters the trench through a layer of vegetated porous soil on the top of the trench.

How much does an infiltration trench cost?

Cost Issues The construction cost of infiltration trenches can vary greatly depending on the configuration, location, site-specific conditions, etc. Typical construction costs in 2003 dollars range from $4 – $9 per cubic foot of storage provided (SWRPC, 1991; Brown and Schueler, 1997).

What is infiltration ditch?

Infiltration trenches are linear ditches that collect rain water from adjacent surfaces, and their highly permeable soils allow the water to quickly seep into the ground.

What is the purpose of an infiltration trench?

Objectives: These structures capture and discharge stormwater at a controlled rate. They function in concert with pervious surfaces by enhancing the infiltration and storage capacity of on-site soils and treating runoff before it recharges the groundwater.

What is a trench for water called?

A trench drain is a device designed to intercept and collect surface water over a long expanse. It is literally a trench with a grate on top. Trench drains are usually employed across a paved area to drain and direct water away from these surfaces.

What is the difference between a French drain and a trench drain?

Aside from what we’ve listed here, the difference between a French drain and a trench drain is that a French drain is used for water that is underground while a trench drain diverts excess water from a surface.

Are infiltration trenches expensive?

Infiltration trenches are somewhat expensive, when compared to other stormwater practices, in terms of cost per area treated. In addition, infiltration trenches can fit into thin, linear areas. Thus, they can generally fit into relatively unusable portions of a site.

What is the advantage of infiltration?

Advantages of infiltration trenches are that they: replenish ground water and, therefore, dry weather flows to waterways. provide a relatively small surface footprint. offer water to plants (where vegetated) during dry periods.

What is infiltration of water?

Infiltration is defined as the flow of water from aboveground into the subsurface. The topic of infiltration has received a great deal of attention because of its importance to topics as widely ranging as irrigation, contaminant transport, groundwater recharge, and ecosystem viability.

What is an exfiltration gallery?

Exfiltration trenches are similar to infiltration trenches but differ primarily in the the manner in which stormwater is delivered to the trench. In exfiltration systems, surface runoff is collected by drainage inlets and delivered to the trench via subsurface perforated pipes.

What is the difference between ditch and trench?

Trench – a narrow long excavation with timbered or bare sides, vertical or battered. Ditch – an excavation made by humans that is long and narrow, such as a channel or trench cut through earth or rock to carry water for drainage or irrigation.

How does infiltration trench work? An infiltration trench is a long, narrow, shallow excavation located over porous soils and back-filled with stone to form a subsurface reservoir to hold stormwater and allow it to infiltrate the soil. The sheet flow enters the trench through a layer of vegetated porous soil on the top of the…