Does not play ball meaning?

Does not play ball meaning?

If someone refuses to play ball, they are unwilling to do what someone wants them to do. [informal] The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the banks refuse to play ball. Synonyms: cooperate, play the game, show willing, pitch in [informal] More Synonyms of to play ball.

Is play ball an idiom?

(idiomatic) To start anything tumultuous. (idiomatic) To work together; to cooperate. The politicians refused to play ball with the journalists. (baseball, softball) An expression used at the beginning of a game of baseball, or softball.

What is the game called where you hit a ball against the wall?

Racquetball ball

Equipment Racquetball ball, racquetball racquet
Venue Indoor or outdoor racquetball court
Country or region Americas

What does ball with someone mean?

2 usually vulgar : to have sexual intercourse with. intransitive verb. 1 : to form or gather into a ball. 2 usually vulgar : to engage in sexual intercourse.

What does fetch a pretty penny mean?

A large sum of money. ‘I am considering auctioning off those tickets – which would fetch a pretty penny – and donating the money to charity. ‘

What does pretty penny mean?

: a large amount of money That will cost a pretty penny.

What is the meaning of all thumbs?

Clumsy or awkward: “Where plumbing is concerned, Walter is all thumbs.”

Can a tennis ball go through a wall?

A tennis ball is not expected to penetrate through a brick wall since a motion under a barrier is impossible in classical mechanics. With quantum effects a motion of a particle through a barrier is allowed due to quantum tunneling. However, there are no general laws forbidding fast motion through classical barriers.

How do you play old school wall ball?

The ball must bounce first, then hit the wall, then bounce; the next person in line must hit the ball before its second bounce on the ground, then the ball must hit the wall, then bounce. This repeats for however many people there are.

Does not play ball meaning? If someone refuses to play ball, they are unwilling to do what someone wants them to do. [informal] The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the banks refuse to play ball. Synonyms: cooperate, play the game, show willing, pitch in [informal] More Synonyms of to play ball. Is…