Why are Vero cells used for growing viruses?

Why are Vero cells used for growing viruses?

Firstly, the cell bank is easy to establish and preserve, at the same time it can be continuously passaged with a fast growth rate. Secondly, Vero cells have stable genetic traits and a low probability of malignancy. Thirdly, Vero cells are sensitive to a variety of viruses and have high virus titers.

What is Vero cell platform?

The Vero cell line is the most widely accepted CCL by regulatory authorities and has been used for over 30 years for the production of polio and rabies virus vaccines.

Why are Vero cells special?

Vero cells are derived from normal kidney cells; because the cells are not transformed, they have not lost their contact inhibition. When these cells reach confluency, they stop growing and start to die; therefore, it is extremely important to monitor Vero cells and to subculture them as they form confluent monolayers.

Are Vero cells immortalized?

Vero is a well-known immortalized cell line, used as substrate for virus isolation and production of vaccines, i.e. Poliovirus, rabies virus (Montagnon 1989), influenza (Govorkova et al.

Are Vero cells adherent?

Vero-Hektor 03092503 African Green Monkey kidney cells, serum-free. This cell line is substrate dependent i.e. adherent and may be suitable for the replication of viral particles.

How big are Vero cells?

Seems to indicate (slide 15) an approximate diameter of 17 micrometers.

How long does it take for Vero cells to adhere?

Allow the cells to attach to the flask for approximately 4 hours. After cells have attached, remove the medium with a pipet and replace with 10 ml of DMEM-PS with 10% FBS. Continue to observe cells daily. Expansion of adherent cells (monolayer) should be observable about 24 hours after recovery.

Are hamsters from China?

The Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus or Cricetulus barabensis griseus) is a rodent in the genus Cricetulus of the subfamily Cricetidae that originated in the deserts of northern China and Mongolia.

How do you pass a cell?

When cells are confluent, we pass them from one dish to three dishes, to synchronize the cell growth cycle and prepare for experiment. gelatin (just rinse), if not sterile, incubate with ethanol or light-bath with UV lamp for 30 min and then rinse with PBS for 3 times.

How do you get rid of debris in cell culture?

One way to remove some of the debris is to allow your cells to attach then wash them with a balanced salt solution or media to wash away some debris if it bothers you.

Why are Vero cells used for growing viruses? Firstly, the cell bank is easy to establish and preserve, at the same time it can be continuously passaged with a fast growth rate. Secondly, Vero cells have stable genetic traits and a low probability of malignancy. Thirdly, Vero cells are sensitive to a variety of viruses…