Why are the leaves on my Meyer lemon tree curling?

Why are the leaves on my Meyer lemon tree curling?

Curling leaves on your lemon tree indicates drought stress due to under watering, excess wind, and low humidity which causes the leaves to curl to conserve moisture. Aphids feed on the sap of young emerging leaves which cause them to curl up.

Why are my lemon tree leaves deformed?

If citrus leaves are twisted, crumpled, and deformed, the most likely cause is Citrus Leafminer, but see the table below for more information on these two pests. Honeydew-secreting pests include various soft scales, mealybugs, aphids, and some others, most of which are protected by ants.

What is wrong with my Meyers lemon tree?

Common Meyer Disease Types Viral diseases, like citrus tristeza, may also be deadly to other citrus trees. Mold growth, like sooty mold, covers the plants leaves, fruit and stems, damaging fruit. Rot, like foot rot, harms the lemon’s roots. Fungal infections, like greasy spot, may leave the lemons inedible.

How do I know if my citrus tree needs water?

You can tell if your citrus tree needs watering if it starts curlings its leaves. Both potted and young planted citrus trees need water about once a week. To water, provide potted trees with water until it flows out the bottom, and planted trees with a 20-minute deep watering session.

How do you get rid of leaf curl on citrus trees?

Spray your citrus tree with insecticidal soap or neem oil or a good insecticide from your garden centre. Repeat until the plant begins to recover. Silvery lines or trail on the new leaves means your tree has citrus leafminer. It’s a tiny moth that lays its eggs on the leaf.

How can you tell if a lemon tree is overwatered?

Signs of Overwatering If you notice that water is puddling, you may be irrigating too often. One of the main signs of overwatering is if your Meyer lemon tree has yellow leaves or drops leaves. When a tree gets too much water, the roots may become unable to function properly, resulting in injury to the tree.

Why are the leaves on my Meyer lemon tree curling? Curling leaves on your lemon tree indicates drought stress due to under watering, excess wind, and low humidity which causes the leaves to curl to conserve moisture. Aphids feed on the sap of young emerging leaves which cause them to curl up. Why are my…