Why are Sierra Leone diamonds special?

Why are Sierra Leone diamonds special?

Diamonds are clearly linked to Sierra Leone’s underdevelopment. Small, transportable and extremely valuable, they played a major role in funding the country’s brutal civil war of the 1990s.

Where are diamonds found in Sierra Leone?

Diamonds are found in about a quarter of Sierra Leone in the south-east and east of the country, with the diamond fields cover 7,700 square miles. The main production areas are concentrated around the drainage areas of rivers in the Kono, Kenema and Bo Districts.

What is the name of the famous diamond?

The most famous ones are “the Cullinan I” and “Star Africa”. This stone is the largest (polished) diamond in the world. It is pear-shaped with 74 facets.

What is the diamond capital of the world?

Antwerp and the Diamond Industry Antwerp is the undisputed diamond capital of the world. With 84% of the world’s rough diamonds and 50% of cut diamonds passing through, the city attracts international traders seeking the highest quality diamonds.

When was the star of Sierra Leone discovered?

It ranks as the fourth-largest gem-quality diamond and the largest alluvial diamond ever discovered. On October 3, 1972, Sierra Leone’s then-President, Siaka Stevens, announced that Harry Winston, the New York City jeweller, had purchased the Star of Sierra Leone for under $2.5 million.

How big is the largest diamond in Sierra Leone?

The stone was initially cut into an emerald shaped stone weighing 143.2 carats (28.64 g) but was later re-cut due to an internal flaw, eventually resulting in 17 separate finished diamonds, of which 13 were deemed to be flawless. The largest single finished gem was a flawless pear-shaped diamond of 53.96 carats (10.792 g).

When did Harry Winston buy the star of Sierra Leone?

On October 3, 1972, Sierra Leone’s then-President, Siaka Stevens, announced that Harry Winston, the New York City jeweller, had purchased the Star of Sierra Leone for under $2.5 million.

Where was the Cullinan Diamond found in South Africa?

The Cullinan was discovered by Frederick Wells, a mine superintendent in Transvaal, South Africa in 1895 on an inspection tour of the Premier Mine. The Cullinan was cut by Joseph Asscher and Company of Amsterdam, who examined the enormous crystal for around six months before determining how to divide it.

Why are Sierra Leone diamonds special? Diamonds are clearly linked to Sierra Leone’s underdevelopment. Small, transportable and extremely valuable, they played a major role in funding the country’s brutal civil war of the 1990s. Where are diamonds found in Sierra Leone? Diamonds are found in about a quarter of Sierra Leone in the south-east and…