Why am I getting dark spots all of a sudden?

Why am I getting dark spots all of a sudden?

They are often the result of sun exposure, but they can be caused by other things, too. Skin conditions, pregnancy and certain medications or medical conditions may cause dark spots. People who have fair skin, light hair, and who have had serious or multiple sunburns are most at risk of developing dark spots.

What deficiency causes dark spots?

Vitamin Deficiency Deficiency of vitamin B-9 (folic acid) and B-12 (cobalamin) can cause pigmentation problems leading to patchy skin. Deficiencies of vitamins that occurs due to reduced intake of vegetables and fresh fruits can therefore make you skin appear dull and dark.

What causes black spots to appear on skin?

UV light speeds up the production of melanin, which results in darker skin, or a tan. After years of exposure to UV light, melanin builds up in certain areas and is produced in high concentrations. This results in age spots.

Can melasma appear suddenly?

When melasma starts to affect your skin, it’s rarely sudden. Usually, dark, hyperpigmented skin develops slowly over several weeks or months, leaving you with darkened patches of skin that aren’t obvious at first but quickly become visible as time goes on.

When should I be worried about dark spots on my skin?

When to see a doctor Age spots don’t require medical care. Have your doctor look at spots that are black or have changed in appearance. These changes can be signs of melanoma, a serious form of skin cancer.

Does vitamin C help with dark spots?

Vitamin C is also a “great ingredient” for anyone with acne-prone skin for several reasons, according to Joshua Zeichner, MD, a board-certified dermatologist: It can help neutralize inflation and prevent breakouts, brighten dark spots left behind when pimples heal — it can also treat melasma (dark patches on the skin) …

Why have I suddenly got melasma?

The exact cause is not known, but it is thought to be because of pigment-producing cells in the skin (melanocytes) producing too much pigment (melanin). Several factors can contribute to developing melasma, including pregnancy and using hormonal drugs such as birth control pills and hormone replacement.

Why do I suddenly have melasma?

There are two main causes of melasma: radiation, whether ultraviolet, visible light, or infrared (heat) light; and hormones. Ultraviolet and infrared radiation from the sun are key in making melasma worse.

What could be use to remove dark spots on skin?

9 Dark Spot Treatments That Really Work, According to Dermatologists Vitamin C. Think beyond orange juice: Vitamin C can be used as a topical antioxidant that helps to block free radicals from causing oxidative damage to the skin (which Hydroquinone. When it comes to dark spot treatments, hydroquinone has been the gold standard for over 50 years. Kojic acid. Soy. Azelaic acid. Lasers. Chemical peels. Microdermabrasion.

What the dark spots on your skin really mean?

Dark spots on the skin, or hyperpigmentation, occur when some areas of the skin produce more melanin than usual. Melanin gives the eyes, skin, and hair their color.

What’s causing dark spots on your skin?

people can develop dark spots on their skin after…

  • Hormonal changes. Melasma is a skin condition that leads to small patches of skin discoloration. The condition is more…
  • Medication side effects. Certain medications can increase skin pigmentation and lead to dark spots. The most common…
  • What can be done about dark skin spots?

    Aloe Vera. Rubbing aloe vera juice on any dark spots 1-2 times each day for several weeks can rid the skin of any discoloration. Other Options. Apply pineapple, honey, horseradish, yogurt, cucumber, potato, turmeric, papaya or tomato to the skin to fade dark spots.

    Why am I getting dark spots all of a sudden? They are often the result of sun exposure, but they can be caused by other things, too. Skin conditions, pregnancy and certain medications or medical conditions may cause dark spots. People who have fair skin, light hair, and who have had serious or multiple sunburns…