Who made first contact in Star Trek?

Who made first contact in Star Trek?

Zefram Cochrane
April 5th is the day we celebrate First Contact Day and all things Star Trek. On April 5th 2063, Zefram Cochrane will be the first human to travel at warp speed and to make first contact with an alien species.

Is Worf in first contact?

For Star Trek: First Contact, the solution for how to bring Worf into the movie involved having him command the U.S.S. After Star Trek: First Contact became the biggest hit of the TNG movies with fans, critics, and at the box office, the film’s co-writer, Ronald D. Moore, joined the DS9 writing team.

Where did they film Star Trek First Contact?

The shooting schedule commenced with four days of filming in Green Valley, Arizona, at the Titan Missile Museum; a disarmed Titan II doubled as Cochrane’s Phoenix rocket.

Who was the Vulcan in first contact?

Named for T’Plana-Hath, a famed Vulcan philosopher, the ship had a crew of three Vulcans – its captain, Solkar, would become the first Vulcan ambassador to Earth, and was Spock’s great-grandfather.

What star date is first contact?

April 5, 2063
If you recall, “Star Trek: First Contact” sends the USS Enterprise-E and her crew through a temporal vortex in an attempt to stop the Borg from preventing the first warp flight by the human race, which subsequently results in the first contact with an alien race (the Vulcans) on April 5, 2063.

Who does Deanna Troi marry?

William Riker

Deanna Troi
Spouse William Riker
Children Ian Andrew Troi, II (deceased) Thaddeus Troi-Riker (deceased) Kestra Troi-Riker
Posting USS Titan (NEM) , LDS) USS Enterprise-E (FCT, INS, VOY, NEM) USS Enterprise-D (Seasons 1–7, GEN)
Position Diplomatic Officer (USS Titan) Counselor (USS Enterprise-E, USS Enterprise-D)

How is the Borg Queen alive in Voyager?

That Queen apparently died in 2378, when a neurolytic pathogen was introduced into the Hive and wreaked havoc on a massive scale. At this time, it is not known if the Queen was subsequently replicated, or even if the Borg Collective survived the pathogenic attack.

Can Vulcans and humans mate?

The seeds of humankind. Even with the same initial conditions, he said, the probability of plants and animals with similar appearances — and, in species like Vulcans, able to breed with humans — developing on multiple worlds from only genetic material is incredibly low.

Who are the actors in Star Trek Next Generation?

The crew is back together. Over the holidays, the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation reunited with executive producer Rick Berman . The syndicated series, which ran from 1987 to 1994, starred Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Denise Crosby, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, and Wil Wheaton.

Is Star Trek The Next Generation?

Star Trek: The Next Generation. Star Trek: The Next Generation (often abbreviated to TNG) is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry as part of the Star Trek franchise.

What is Star Trek The Next Generation episode list?


  • “Skin Of Evil”
  • “Phantasms”
  • “The Offspring”
  • “Brothers”
  • “The Pegasus”
  • “Cause and Effect”
  • “Frame Of Mind”
  • “Relics”
  • “The Lower Decks”
  • What is Star Trek New Generation?

    Star Trek: The Next Generation (often abbreviated to TNG) is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry as part of the Star Trek franchise .

    Who made first contact in Star Trek? Zefram Cochrane April 5th is the day we celebrate First Contact Day and all things Star Trek. On April 5th 2063, Zefram Cochrane will be the first human to travel at warp speed and to make first contact with an alien species. Is Worf in first contact? For…