What spine arrow should I shoot?

What spine arrow should I shoot?

As draw weight increases, so should arrow rigidity (spine). Also, we strongly recommend that you use an arrow with at least 5 grains of weight per pound or draw weight (if you are shooting a 60 lb. For example, if you have a 60 lb. bow with a 24″ arrow, you would need a more flexible shaft than a 60 lb.

What does the spine of an arrow mean?

The spine rating of an arrow is simply a measurement of its stiffness. The same Easton arrow comes in a variety of stiffness: the lower the number, the stiffer the arrow. There’s static spine, which is how an arrow reacts when an 880-gram (1.94 lbs.) weight is suspended from the center of the arrow.

What length should arrow spine be?

Spine strength must be matched to bow draw weight. If your arrows are too lightly or heavily spined for your bow, the “archer’s paradox” movements will be extreme, resulting in poor arrow flight and loss of accuracy. (It’s better to err on the stiff, or too heavily spined, side.)

What happens if I shoot the wrong spine arrow?

If an arrow of the wrong spine is shot, the fletchings, nock or arrow shaft will hit the bow. Indeed, consistently damaged fletchings/vanes are always an indication of poor arrow clearance. Thus, the archer, bow and arrows must be matched with each other.

What happens if an arrow spine is too stiff?

If the arrow’s spine is too weak or too stiff, the arrow will not correct itself as soon as it should while in flight. If that arrow is weak and continues to flex (has a low spine rating), it’s going to veer off target. Likewise, if the arrow is unforgivingly stiff, it also won’t follow the path the archer intends.

Which is the best arrow spine fitment chart?

The gold standard for rating arrow spine has always been Easton’s fitment charts. Before carbon arrows hit their stride in the 1990’s, practically every archer in the world had at one time studied the little blocks on the Easton chart, trying to decide if the 2219’s, 2413’s, or 2315’s would be better (remember?).

Which is more flexible a 24 lb arrow or a 30 lb Arrow?

Given a specific arrow spine, an arrow that is shorter will be more rigid than a shaft of the same spine that is longer. For example, if you have a 60 lb. bow with a 24″ arrow, you would need a more flexible shaft than a 60 lb. bow with a 30″ arrow.

How many sizes do you need for a carbon Arrow?

For most carbon arrows, 3 to 5 sizes covers virtually every application. So Easton simplified the sizing system by basing the sizes on actual spine deflections.

What should the draw weight of an arrow be?

As draw weight increases, so should arrow rigidity (spine). Also, we strongly recommend that you use an arrow with at least 5 grains of weight per pound or draw weight (if you are shooting a 60 lb. bow, you should use and arrow of not less than 300 grains). This includes your field point or broadhead.

What spine arrow should I shoot? As draw weight increases, so should arrow rigidity (spine). Also, we strongly recommend that you use an arrow with at least 5 grains of weight per pound or draw weight (if you are shooting a 60 lb. For example, if you have a 60 lb. bow with a 24″…