What muscles attach to humerus?

What muscles attach to humerus?

Muscle Attachments

Muscle Attachment
Pectoralis Major Upper Part of the Anterior Border
Triceps Brachii Lower Part of the Lateral Border Lateral Supracondylar Ridge
Brachioradialis Lateral Supracondylar Ridge
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Lateral Supracondylar Ridge

What are the two muscles attached to the humerus?

The following muscles attach to the humerus along its shaft: Anteriorly – coracobrachialis, deltoid, brachialis, brachioradialis. Posteriorly – medial and lateral heads of the triceps (the spiral groove demarcates their respective origins).

Where do jaw muscles attach?

The four main muscles of mastication originate from the surface of the skull and they attach onto the rami of the mandible at the TMJ. The movement performed by these muscles are elevation, depression, protrusion, retraction, and side to side movement.

Which muscles insert on the mandible?

Muscles Inserting on the Mandible

  • Platysma – inserts on the inferior border of the mandible.
  • Superficial masseter – inserts on the lateral surface of the ramus and angle of the mandible.
  • Deep masseter – inserts on the lateral surface of the ramus and angle of the mandible.

How long does it take to heal a broken humerus?

Proximal Humerus Fracture Healing Time Most people with proximal humerus fractures do very well. By six weeks, patients are extremely comfortable and usually are released to full activities such by three months. Continued stiffness is a common problem and prolonged therapy or exercises is often needed.

Which of the following muscles does not attach to the humerus?

Which of the following muscles does not attach to the humerus? (e) Pectoralis major.

Which of the following is the strongest muscle of mastication?

Masseter. The masseter muscle is the most powerful muscle of mastication. It is quadrangular in shape and has two parts: deep and superficial.

What passes through the mandibular foramen?

The mandibular foramen contains a branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V), a branch of the maxillary artery and the inferior alveolar vein. The nerve and blood vessels within the mandibular foramen are the inferior alveolar nerve, artery, and vein.

What are the 4 muscles of mastication?


  • Temporalis Muscle.
  • Medial Pterygoid.
  • Lateral Pterygoid.
  • Masseter.
  • Accessory Muscles of Mastication.

Is the humerus distal to the radius?

Humerus: The humerus attaches proximally to the scapula (shoulderblade) at the humeral head and distally with the radius and ulna (lower-arm bones) at the trochlea and capitulum, respectively. The proximal portion of the humerus can be divided into three parts.

How to name the muscles attached to the humerus?

8 Name the muscles attached to the upper end of humerus. 9 Name the muscles attached to the shaft of humerus. 10 Name the ligaments attached to the humerus. 11 Mark the capsular attachment of shoulder and elbow joint on humerus.

Which is the most lateral part of the humerus?

The greater tubercle is the most lateral part of the proximal end of the humerus. Three impressions mark it at the upper posterior aspect, all of which serve for the attachment of muscles. From superior to inferior, the muscles that attach at these impressions are three of the rotator cuff muscles:

Where are the muscular attachments of the mandible?

The lateral pterygoid inserts into the neck of the mandible, and the medial pterygoid inserts into the ramus near the angle of the mandible. Fig 3 – Muscular attachments to the mandible. The mandible articulates with the temporal bone to form the temporomandibular joint which is discussed in more detail here.

Where does the pronator teres attach to the humerus?

Pronator Teres: A rectangular muscle located in the superficial region of the anterior compartment. Attachments: The pronator teres has two origins, one on the proximal end of the humerus and one of the distal end of the ulna. It attaches to the mid region of the radius.


What muscles attach to humerus? Muscle Attachments Muscle Attachment Pectoralis Major Upper Part of the Anterior Border Triceps Brachii Lower Part of the Lateral Border Lateral Supracondylar Ridge Brachioradialis Lateral Supracondylar Ridge Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Lateral Supracondylar Ridge What are the two muscles attached to the humerus? The following muscles attach to the humerus…