What is von Langenbeck Palatoplasty?

What is von Langenbeck Palatoplasty?

von Langenbeck technique In 1861, Bernard von Langenbeck described a method of uranoplasty (palatoplasty) using mucoperiosteal flaps for the repair of the hard palate region. He maintained the anterior attachment of the mucoperiosteal flap to the alveolar margin to make it a bipedicle flap.

How is a Palatoplasty done?

The surgery itself is performed through the mouth. It consists of the surgeon moving tissue on both sides of the cleft and attaching these together. This closes the opening to the nose and includes the muscles that lift the palate and help “pop” the ears. The repair is done in layers to create a normal palate.

What is Pharyngoplasty surgery?

Sphincter pharyngoplasty (SFINK-ter far-INGO-plasty) is a surgery done to help correct velopharyngeal dysfunction (VEE-lo-fa-RIN-jee-uhl dis-FUNK-shuhn), or VPD. VPD occurs when the soft palate cannot properly separate the back of the mouth from the nose during speech.

When do you operate on a cleft palate?

Palate repair surgery is usually done when your baby is 6 to 12 months old. The gap in the roof of the mouth is closed and the muscles and the lining of the palate are rearranged. The wound is closed with dissolvable stitches. The operation usually takes about 2 hours and is done using a general anaesthetic.

What is a Furlow Palatoplasty?

Furlow Palatoplasty (Double-Reversing Z-Plasty) This procedure involves a plastic surgical technique, which was traditional used for cleft palates, to lengthen and thicken the soft palate and realign abnormal placement of the palatal muscles in order to allow the palate touch the back of throat naturally.

Is cleft palate a disease?

Cleft lip and cleft palate are among the most common birth defects. They most commonly occur as isolated birth defects but are also associated with many inherited genetic conditions or syndromes.

What is the purpose of a pharyngoplasty?

A pharyngoplasty aims to reduce the space behind the palate so less air escapes during speech. Other children with nasal speech, not caused by a cleft palate, can also benefit from the pharyngoplasty operation.

How long is a hospital stay for cleft palate?

The only way to repair a cleft palate is by surgery. The goal is to close the opening in the roof of the child’s mouth. Your child will be in the operating room for only a few hours. The hospital stay is usually 1 to 3 days.

Why are cleft palates bad?

For a cleft palate, the soft part of the palate at the back of the mouth may be involved, or the cleft may affect the bony part of the palate (hard palate). These defects can cause feeding and developmental problems, poor dental development, trouble with speech, and frequent colds, sore throats, and ear infections.

What is a double z-plasty?

Specific modifications include the double-opposing z-plasty (sometimes called a “jumping man” flap) which can be useful for release of webbing of the medial canthus or release of 1st web space contractures. It is one of the techniques used in scar revision, especially in burn scar contracture.

What is von Langenbeck Palatoplasty? von Langenbeck technique In 1861, Bernard von Langenbeck described a method of uranoplasty (palatoplasty) using mucoperiosteal flaps for the repair of the hard palate region. He maintained the anterior attachment of the mucoperiosteal flap to the alveolar margin to make it a bipedicle flap. How is a Palatoplasty done? The…