What is the zip code for Mixco Guatemala?

What is the zip code for Mixco Guatemala?

01057: MIXCO, DEPTO DE GUATEMALA | Guatemala Postal Code ✉️

Can a city have 2 zip codes?

When looking at postal codes around the world, there are cases where two different cities are served by the same postal code. For example, the zip code 94608 in California is used for both Emeryville and parts of Oakland. One postal code, two cities.

Are there ZIP codes in Guatemala?

Guatemalan postal codes are the equivalent of Zip Codes, they are assigned by zone in Guatemala City, and mostly by Department and Municipality in the rest of the country.

What are the first 2 digits of your zip code?

The first digit designates a broad area, which ranges from zero for the Northeast to nine for the far West. The two following digits are the code of a central post office facility in that region. The last two digits designate small post offices or postal zones.

How do you read a Guatemala address?

Example: The address says – 2 avenue 5-34, Zona 2, Guatemala, Guatemala. That says that place is in Guatemala municipality, second zone. Then, it is located in the second avenue, between 5th and 6th street, and precisely 34 meters from the corner of 5th street.

How do I dial to Guatemala?

Guatemala/Dialing codes
To call Guatemala from the U.S., first dial the international prefix of 011 and then enter Guatemala’s country code, 502. For example, if the number you’re trying to reach in Guatemala is 232-7644, you would dial 011-502-232-7644.

Can a city be in two states?

Cities in two states occur when two urban centers in different states are constructed close to each other….Cities in Two States.

Rank City States
1 Bristol Arkansas, Tennessee
2 Texarkana Arkansas, Texas
3 Texhoma Oklahoma, Texas
4 Union City Indiana, Ohio

What size population makes a city?

Cities, which have a population of at least 50,000 inhabitants in contiguous dense grid cells (>1,500 inhabitants per km2); Towns and semi-dense areas, which have a population of at least 5,000 inhabitants in contiguous grid cells with a density of at least 300 inhabitants per km2; and.

What is the zip code for Mixco Guatemala? 01057: MIXCO, DEPTO DE GUATEMALA | Guatemala Postal Code ✉️ Can a city have 2 zip codes? When looking at postal codes around the world, there are cases where two different cities are served by the same postal code. For example, the zip code 94608 in California…