What is the synonym word of exhausted?

What is the synonym word of exhausted?

tired out, worn out, weary, dog-tired, bone-tired, bone-weary, ready to drop, on one’s last legs, asleep on one’s feet, drained, fatigued, enervated, debilitated, spent. jet-lagged. out of breath, breathless, panting, puffing, puffed, puffed out, puffing and blowing, gasping, gasping for breath.

Is exhausted a synonym or antonym?

exhausted is the synonym for tired because they both have to do with tired or sick don’t wanna do anything something like that. she was exhausted but couldn’t sleep.

What is another word for emotionally exhausted?

What is another word for emotional exhaustion?

prostration collapse
exhaustion fatigue
lassitude tiredness
weakness depression
helplessness paralysis

What is a word for mentally exhausted?

Noun. A period of mental illness resulting from severe depression, stress, or anxiety. nervous breakdown. breakdown.

What word is a synonym with tired and exhausted?

Tired, exhausted, fatigued, wearied, weary suggest a condition in which a large part of one’s energy and vitality has been consumed.

What is one word substitution for feeling of extreme physical and mental tiredness?

Fatigue is a feeling of extreme physical or mental tiredness.

Are there any antonyms for the word exhausted?

Antonyms for exhausted include unwearied, indefatigable, inexhaustible, tireless, untired, persistent, unfailing, unflagging, untiring and unwearying. Find more

What is the meaning of the word exhaust?

While all these words mean “to make or become unable or unwilling to continue,” exhaust implies complete draining of strength by hard exertion. In what contexts can fatigue take the place of exhaust? Although the words fatigue and exhaust have much in common, fatigue suggests great lassitude from excessive strain or undue effort.

How is the word exhaust distinct from other similar verbs?

How is the word exhaust distinct from other similar verbs? Some common synonyms of exhaust are fatigue, jade, tire, and weary. While all these words mean “to make or become unable or unwilling to continue,” exhaust implies complete draining of strength by hard exertion.


What is the synonym word of exhausted? tired out, worn out, weary, dog-tired, bone-tired, bone-weary, ready to drop, on one’s last legs, asleep on one’s feet, drained, fatigued, enervated, debilitated, spent. jet-lagged. out of breath, breathless, panting, puffing, puffed, puffed out, puffing and blowing, gasping, gasping for breath. Is exhausted a synonym or antonym? exhausted…