What is the summary of The Crucible?

What is the summary of The Crucible?

The Crucible is a 1953 play by Arthur Miller about the Salem witch trials of 1692. Reverend Parris finds some girls dancing naked in the forest who claim they were bewitched. A special court investigates these allegations. Over a hundred of Salem’s citizens are accused of witchcraft.

What are the main points of The Crucible?

One of the key themes in The Crucible is the importance of reputations. People are accused of witchcraft, and it subsequently damages their reputations. Those found guilty of witchcraft have two options: they can confess and destroy their reputations or refuse to confess and be hanged.

What kind of people are in The Crucible?

The Crucible

  • John Proctor. A local farmer who lives just outside town; Elizabeth Proctor’s husband.
  • Abigail Williams. Reverend Parris’s niece.
  • Reverend John Hale. A young minister reputed to be an expert on witchcraft.
  • Elizabeth Proctor. John Proctor’s wife.
  • Reverend Parris.
  • Rebecca Nurse.
  • Francis Nurse.
  • Judge Danforth.

Why would Mrs Putnam openly admit to sending her daughter to conjure the dead?

Ruth Putnam is also sick like Betty Parris in a coma state. Ann Putnam sent Ruth to conjure up dead spirits to communicate with her seven dead children and believes that this caused her to become ill.

Who is to blame for The Crucible?

Abigail Williams
In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, the main character Abigail Williams is to blame for the 1692 witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts. Abigail is a mean and vindictive person who always wants her way, no matter who she hurts.

Why does Betty wail in the crucible?

In Act I of The Crucible, Reverend Parris assembles the congregation for prayer. At the same time that little Betty is upstairs in bed sick from unknown causes. They believe that she is screaming because she cannot stand to hear prayer.

Who are the two girls that are sick in the crucible?

What two girls appear to be ill at the beginning of the play? Betty and Ruth.

What is the symbolic meaning of The Crucible?

A crucible is a piece of laboratory equipment used to melt metal because it can withstand high temperatures. In this play the crucible symbolizes the heat of hysteria that takes over Salem during the witch trials.

Is the Crucible a true story?

The Crucible is a movie based on the true story about the witch trials that were held in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692.

What is a brief summary of “the Crucible”?

The Crucible Summary. The Crucible, a historical play based on events of the Salem witchcraft trials, takes place in a small Puritan village in the colony of Massachusetts in 1692. The witchcraft trials, as Miller explains in a prose prologue to the play, grew out of the particular moral system of the Puritans, which promoted interference in others’…

Why I wrote The Crucible summary?

?Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, portrays the fundamental causes of paranoia amidst its effects on a society and its individual counterparts, united with the terror of supernatural forces. In Puritan New England , the occurrences involving the presence of witchcraft fittingly resembled the appearance of Communists in America in the mid-1900s.

What is a good conclusion for the Crucible?

The Crucible: Conclusion. Proctor brings Mary to court and tells Judge Danforth that she will testify that the girls are lying. Danforth is suspicious of Proctor’s motives and tells Proctor, truthfully, that Elizabeth is pregnant and will be spared for a time. Proctor persists in his charge, convincing Danforth to allow Mary to testify.

What is the summary of The Crucible? The Crucible is a 1953 play by Arthur Miller about the Salem witch trials of 1692. Reverend Parris finds some girls dancing naked in the forest who claim they were bewitched. A special court investigates these allegations. Over a hundred of Salem’s citizens are accused of witchcraft. What…