What is the size of albumin?

What is the size of albumin?

Albumin contains three spherical domains, with a molecular weight of 69 kDa and a net charge of −15. It is a flexible, ellipsoid-shaped molecule, 3.8 nm in diameter and 15 nm long molecule [1, 4].

What is the molecular weight of the human serum albumin?

The gene HSA (human serum albumin) is mapped to human chromosome 4q13. 3. The gene encodes a protein of 585 amino acids with a molecular weight of 66.4kDa.

What is the purpose of human serum albumin?

Human serum albumin (HSA) is a soluble, globular, and unglycosylated monomeric protein; it functions primarily as a carrier protein for steroids, fatty acids, and thyroid hormones, and plays an important role in stabilizing extracellular fluid volume (1).

What is a normal serum albumin level?

A typical reference range for normal albumin levels is 3.5 to 5.5 g/dL. Reference ranges can vary by laboratory, so it is important to look closely at your test report to see if a different range is listed. Albumin levels that are above or below the reference range may reflect an underlying health concern.

What happens if serum albumin is high?

Higher than normal levels of albumin may indicate dehydration or severe diarrhea. If your albumin levels are not in the normal range, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have a medical condition needing treatment. Certain drugs, including steroids, insulin, and hormones, can raise albumin levels.

Are eggs high in albumin?

Egg whites are 100 percent albumin, the best quality protein you can eat. Two egg whites provide 7.2 grams of pure protein.

Why is my serum albumin high?

What does serum albumin level indicate?

The serum albumin test looks at the levels of albumin in a person’s blood. If the results indicate an abnormal amount of albumin, it may suggest a problem with the liver or kidneys. It may also indicate that a person has a nutrient deficiency. Albumin is one of the most abundant proteins found in the blood.

Why is my albumin high?

Abnormally high levels of albumin most often occur as a result of dehydration, which may be caused by other conditions such as severe diarrhea. Doctors often interpret the significance of albumin levels alongside measurements of other indicators of metabolism and the health of the liver and kidneys.

What are the normal levels of albumin?

In general, the normal values of albumin varies between 4.0 and 5.4 g/dl. Here dl means deciliter, which is a metric unit and is equivalent to one tenth of a liter. Some laboratories regard normal albumin levels to be 3.4-5.4 (g/dl).

What is the normal range of albumin in the urine?

On the whole, the normal range of urine albumin is around 0-8 mg/dl. So, if a urine sample test displays a reading of 2 mg/dl, it means 1 liter of urine contains 0.02 grams of albumin.

What are symptoms of Elevated albumin?

Elevated albumin is in itself a symptom of some other underlying condition. The patient will experience a variety of symptoms depending on the underlying disease. A few common and generic symptoms of elevated albumin include: Fatigue. Nausea. Fever. Dizziness when sitting or standing. Diarrhea.

What is normal serum level?

Normal serum levels for men range from 76 to 198 micrograms of iron per deciliter. Normal levels for women are a little lower and range from 26 to 170 micrograms of iron per deciliter.


What is the size of albumin? Albumin contains three spherical domains, with a molecular weight of 69 kDa and a net charge of −15. It is a flexible, ellipsoid-shaped molecule, 3.8 nm in diameter and 15 nm long molecule [1, 4]. What is the molecular weight of the human serum albumin? 66.4kDa The gene HSA…