What is the catchment area for Warragamba Dam?

What is the catchment area for Warragamba Dam?

9,050 square kilometres
My part of the catchment. Warragamba is the largest of Sydney’s five drinking water catchments, covering an area of 9,050 square kilometres. It’s also the most diverse, with coal-fired power stations in the north, pristine wilderness in the centre of the catchment, and rich grazing country in the south.

Are they releasing water from Warragamba Dam?

Warragamba Dam spillway is currently releasing water at a rate of 450 gigalitres per day (GL/day) and that rate could increase as inflows to the dam storage continue to rise. (By comparison Sydney harbour is estimated to hold 500 GL).

When was Warragamba Dam last full?

Drought has severely depleted the level of the dam at times: on 8 February 2007 it recorded an all-time low of 32.5% of capacity. On 2 March 2012, it overflowed for the first time in fourteen years. It overflowed again in 2016 and in March 2021.

Should Warragamba Dam be raised?

The strategy recommends that raising Warragamba Dam to create a flood mitigation zone of around 14 metres is the best option to reduce the risks to life, property and community assets posed by floodwaters from the extensive Warragamba River catchment.

What is the lowest level ever recorded by Warragamba Dam?

38.8 per cent
The dam, which provides most of Sydney’s drinking water, is currently sitting at 43.9 per cent capacity – a level not seen since 2004, during the heart of the Millennium Drought. That same year, Warragamba Dam reached its lowest level ever recorded, dipping to 38.8 per cent capacity in December.

Is Warragamba Dam big?

When completed in 1960, Warragamba Dam was the world’s tallest and largest domestic water supply dam. It is 142 metres high, 351 metres long and contains 3 million tonnes of concrete.

How full is Warragamba Dam now?


Storage (recorded date) Warragamba Dam Wednesday 22 September Cordeaux Dam Wednesday 22 September
Storage Capacity (ML) 2,027,000 93,640
Current Volume (ML) 1,954,290 85,694
Percent Full % 96.4 91.5
Net Change in past week % -0.3 -0.1

What happens if Warragamba Dam spills over?

Bureau of Meteorology national flood services manager Justin Robinson said a spill at Warragamba Dam could lead to minor flooding in Sydney’s west, specifically at Penrith and North Richmond later on Saturday. “We’ve had drought, bushfires and floods.

Can you swim in Warragamba Dam?

Entry is not allowed to the land along the Warragamba Pipelines and Upper Canal, and the land at Warragamba protecting the water supply infrastructure. Permitted activities in Special Areas – restricted access include walking, camping, fishing, swimming and non-powered boating.

What happens if Warragamba Dam is full?

Parts of Western Sydney are notoriously flood-prone and if the dam is full, it reduces the capacity to hold back floodwaters. Rain forecast for the end of the week is not expected to be heavy enough to cause the dam to spill over, but a substantial rain event could.

Where does the water from Warragamba Dam go?

Prospect water filtration plant
More than 80% of Sydney’s water comes from Warragamba Dam and is treated at Prospect water filtration plant. After treatment, water enters Sydney Water’s network of reservoirs, pumping stations and 21,000 kilometres of pipes to arrive at homes and businesses in Sydney, the Blue Mountains and the Illawarra.


What is the catchment area for Warragamba Dam? 9,050 square kilometres My part of the catchment. Warragamba is the largest of Sydney’s five drinking water catchments, covering an area of 9,050 square kilometres. It’s also the most diverse, with coal-fired power stations in the north, pristine wilderness in the centre of the catchment, and rich…