What is the best spec for Paladin?

What is the best spec for Paladin?

For a total beginner to the class, although each specialization has strengths and weaknesses, we recommend Protection as the best Paladin leveling spec.

What is the best Retribution Paladin talents?

Best Retribution Paladin Talents

  • Level 15: Zeal.
  • Level 25: Blade of Wrath.
  • Level 30: Fist of Justice.
  • Level 35: Unbreakable Spirit.
  • Level 40: Seraphim.
  • Level 45: Selfless Healer.
  • Level 50: Final Reckoning.

Are Paladins good in Shadowlands?

Retribution Paladin stands out as one the most straightforward DPS classes in all of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. As an added bonus, Retribution Paladins are quite strong in Shadowlands, and make for a welcome addition to any raid group or Mythic+ dungeon.

What is the best Paladin spec for PVE?

PvE Paladin specs & distribution

Spec % (1+ boss) % (Level 120)
Holy 2.5% 3.4%
Protection 2.1% 3.5%
Retribution 5.1% 3.8%

Is Paladin easy to level?

Paladins are slow to level, in fact, they are the slowest melee class, even slower than warriors, due to their completely lackluster damage 25-30+ (1-20 they get carried by Judgement+BoM, 20-25 SoC+Exe Sword, I’d presume 25-30 Verigans would carry still).

What weapon should ret paladin use?

Weapons and Armor Retribution Paladins benefit the most from using 2-handed Swords, Maces, Axes, and Polearms. While using only 2-handed weapons, Retribution Paladins benefit from [Sword of Light], increasing all melee damage done. Retribution Paladin benefit the most from using Plate armor.

Is ret paladin easy?

The Basics of Retribution Paladins Retribution is a melee DPS specialization that has a relatively easy to grasp playstyle. Retribution excels at single-target and AoE burst DPS, but the trade-off is that their DPS outside of cooldowns is weak in comparison.

Are ret paladins good?

Retribution Paladin Overview The defensive utility is very good as well, as it offers a damage reduction aura, a strong single-target damage reduction cooldown for others, massive off-heals, and the best immunity in the game.

Is ret paladin good in mythic+?

Retribution Paladin is a decent melee DPS specializations for Mythic+ in Shadowlands. A Retribution Paladin brings very strong single-target burst damage & very strong cleave and AoE burst damage, as well as a good amount of utility through talents and the baseline kit.

What armor can a Paladin wear?

Paladins can equip cloth, leather, mail or plate armor. They can use shields, polearms, one or two handed maces, axes and swords.

What is the best spec for Paladin? For a total beginner to the class, although each specialization has strengths and weaknesses, we recommend Protection as the best Paladin leveling spec. What is the best Retribution Paladin talents? Best Retribution Paladin Talents Level 15: Zeal. Level 25: Blade of Wrath. Level 30: Fist of Justice. Level…