What is my Fargo rating in pool?

What is my Fargo rating in pool?

How are Fargo Ratings used to determine USAPL matches? In the USA Pool League (USAPL) 8-ball match format, players are awarded one point for each ball pocketed and 7 points for the 8-ball. So the player who wins a game always gets 14 points, and the player who loses a game gets between 0 and 7 points.

How does your Fargo rating go up?

The FargoRate system computes a performance rating based on data. When that performance rating is based on 200 or more games, it is called a Fargo Rating. For instance, a player with performance rating of 580 based upon 50 games and a starter rating of 540 will see a preliminary rating of 550.

What is Fargo rate in pool?

It is a worldwide rating/ranking system that accurately rates and compares all pool players who play 8, 9, or 10 ball against all other pool players in the entire world who play 8, 9, or 10 ball no matter the league or even if not in a league, and because it accurately rates people, one of its many uses is that it can …

What is the highest rating on Fargo?

Highest Fargo rating out there I found was 940.

What does 300 mean in pool?

300 – beginner league player. 200 – absolute beginner; may miscue frequently.

What is TPA in pool?

The Tournament Performance Average (TPA) can be used to measure a player’s performance in a match or tournament. It is a single number (like a batting average) based on the following formula: TPA = (# of Balls Made) / (# of Balls Made + # of Errors) Errors are any of the following: missing a shot.

How are APA skill levels determined?

Player skill levels move both up and down based on player performance during APA competition. Every time you play an APA match, data is recorded and added to your player record. Your skill level is then recalculated based on the most recent scoresheet information.

How are pool players ranked?

A beginner or someone who plays so infrequently that their game remains in the beginner category. C-: A below average player – this denotes a player with some recognizable skills who has definitely risen from the ranks of beginners. C+: Above average player – this group plays a very acceptable game of pool.

Why is the movie Fargo rated R?

MPAA explanation: strong violence, language and sexuality.

What is a foul in straight pool?

On the break, either a ball must be pocketed in a designated pocket, or the cue ball and at least two additional balls must touch a rail. The failure to accomplish either of these conditions results in a foul. Fouling on the initial break incurs a penalty loss of two points.

What is the highest run in straight pool?

Playing a game known as “straight pool” in Monterey, Calif., Schmidt, 46, started pocketing balls and did not miss for nearly four hours. He sailed by Mosconi’s 526 total, finally reaching 626. “I have devoted a lot of my career to this,” Schmidt said. “It’s really the only true record in pool.

What is TPA in 9 ball pool?

How does the Fargo rating system work for pool?

The days of inconsistent regional rating systems, biased subjective judgement, rating committees, and difficult score keeping are over. FargoRate uses a simple mathematical approach to accurately measure a pool player’s ability relative to everyone else in the world.

What do you need to know about Fargo ratings?

By using Fargo Ratings, you no longer have to spend hours reviewing player statistics and subjectively rating players. Rating committees consisting of numerous unpaid volunteers that meet periodically to “debate” the ratings of certain players is no longer needed.

How does the Fargo rate work for pocket billiards?

FargoRate computes pocket-billiard player ratings called Fargo Ratings that rate amateur and professional players worldwide. Coupling game win/loss data across local leagues, regions, countries, and continents insures players everywhere are rated on the same scale.

Is there a rating system for pool players?

Finally, the world has a pool player rating system that is simple, accurate, fair, and unified! The days of inconsistent regional rating systems, biased subjective judgement, rating committees, and difficult score keeping are over.

What is my Fargo rating in pool? How are Fargo Ratings used to determine USAPL matches? In the USA Pool League (USAPL) 8-ball match format, players are awarded one point for each ball pocketed and 7 points for the 8-ball. So the player who wins a game always gets 14 points, and the player who…