What is motivic development?

What is motivic development?

motivic development is the expan- sion, fulfillment, and expression of. a work’s core melodic aspects.

What is a motivic in music?

Motivic development is when rhythmic or melodic ideas are repeated or evoked over different structures within a composition. This often manifests in applying the same or similar rhythmic ideas over different chords in a progression.

What is rhythmic transformation?

rhythmic transformation. (compositional device) a theme’s rhythm is changed in order to vary it from previous statements.

What is motivic transposition?

Motivic Development Techniques – repetition: restatement of a motive at the same pitch level. * repetition can feature a change of mode (i.e. major to minor) at the same pitch level. – transposition: restatement of a motive at a new pitch level. * exact (chromatic) transposition: intervals retain the same quality and …

What is chordal Homophony?

Multiple voices with similar rhythmic material in all parts. Also known as “chordal”. May be considered a condition of homophony or distinguished from it.

Why do composers use repeating and contrasting sections in their music?

Repetition and contrast also help the listener perceive musical form. The repetition of a phrase reinforces the melody and makes the listener more acquainted with it; then a new, different phrase is introduced (the contrast).

What is the smallest musical unit?

(pronunciation) (help·info) IPA: (/moʊˈtiːf/) (also motive) is a short musical phrase, a salient recurring figure, musical fragment or succession of notes that has some special importance in or is characteristic of a composition: “The motive is the smallest structural unit possessing thematic identity”.

Is inversion melodic or rhythmic?

1 Inversion. Inversion as applied to music means an idea is exactly upside-down or “mirrored” across a horizontal plane, like mountains reflected in a lake. Melodic inversion can be real (where every interval is exactly the same quality) or tonal (where the intervals abide by the scale or key).

How do you invert a melody?

A melody is inverted by flipping it “upside-down”, reversing the melody’s contour. For instance, if the original melody has a rising major third, then the inverted melody has a falling major third (or, especially in tonal music, perhaps a falling minor third).

Which of the following is the definition of transposition?

1a : an act, process, or instance of transposing or being transposed. b : the transfer of a segment of DNA from one site to another in the genome. 2a : the transfer of any term of an equation from one side over to the other side with a corresponding change of the sign.

What is reverse motif of pitch?

Retrograde inversion is a musical term that literally means “backwards and upside down”: “The inverse of the series is sounded in reverse order.” Retrograde reverses the order of the motif’s pitches: what was the first pitch becomes the last, and vice versa.

What is motivic development? motivic development is the expan- sion, fulfillment, and expression of. a work’s core melodic aspects. What is a motivic in music? Motivic development is when rhythmic or melodic ideas are repeated or evoked over different structures within a composition. This often manifests in applying the same or similar rhythmic ideas over…