What is meridian Tapping therapy?

What is meridian Tapping therapy?

EFT tapping is a combination of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology, now known as energy psychology. It’s an easy-to-learn technique that involves “tapping” on the meridian points of the body while repeating statements that help us focus on an issue from which we’re seeking relief.

How does meridian Tapping work?

EFT works by tapping on the supposed paths through which “life energy” is believed to flow in the body (meridian points) to release blockages. These specific pathways of energy or meridians help balance energy flow to maintain your health. Imbalance of energy flow can result in disease or sickness.

What is tapping and how does it work?

Tapping draws on the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture, which teaches that the body’s energy travels along specific pathways. Certain points on these pathways are stimulated to improve the flow of energy. The stimulation is done by inserting very thin needles (acupuncture) or by applying pressure ( acupressure).

Does tapping reduce anxiety?

EFT tapping therapy has been demonstrated to improve the symptoms of several mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression. EFT tapping for anxiety is an effective way to reduce anxiety symptoms such as excessive worry, irritability, sleeping difficulties and difficulty concentrating.

Does EFT work long term?

At 6 months after the treatment, 79.5% of participants did not fit the criteria, which the researchers said indicated the long term benefits of EFT. In a 2017 survey of EFT practitioners, most (63%) reported that EFT could resolve even complex PTSD in 10 sessions or fewer.

Is there any evidence that tapping works?

An improvement was found in 90% of patients who received acupoint tapping therapy compared to 63% of the CBT participants. Only 3 acupoint tapping sessions were needed before an individual’s anxiety reduced, while an average of 15 was needed for CBT to show results.

What does Meridian tapping do for your body?

Meridian Tapping also known as EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) works to free the user of both physical and emotional pain and relieve chronic mental and physical conditions by healing the physical responses our bodies make after we’ve been emotionally hurt or experienced pain.

How many times do you tap the meridian?

Tapping is very simple, all you need to do is tap your fingers on all the important meridian points. You can tap with either hand, using the tips of your index and middle fingers. Each point should be tapped around seven times as you repeat the reminder phrase at each point.

How is GEMT similar to other tapping modalities?

When you see “tapping”, you might think GEMT is similar to other tapping modalities such as Thought Field Therapy (TFT) or Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). However, because of GEMT’s unique approach to healing, we ask you to set aside any knowledge you might have of other tapping modalities, other than the tapping points, while learning GEMT.

Where does the EFT tapping technique take place?

EFT tapping exercises combine elements of cognitive restructuring and exposure techniques with acupoint stimulation. The technique instructs individuals to tap on meridian endpoints of the body such as the top of the head, eye brows, under eyes, side of eyes, chin, collar bone, and under the arms.

What is meridian Tapping therapy? EFT tapping is a combination of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology, now known as energy psychology. It’s an easy-to-learn technique that involves “tapping” on the meridian points of the body while repeating statements that help us focus on an issue from which we’re seeking relief. How does meridian Tapping…