What is deghosting seismic?

What is deghosting seismic?

Receiver deghosting (removing gr) accounts for the fact that the sea-surface reflects seismic energy back into the water layer such that any seismic event is recorded twice: first as an up-going wavefield that has been reflected by the subsurface, and then as a ghost, which is the down-going field that has been …

What is broadband seismic?

In seismic exploration broadband refers to a wider band of frequencies being recorded than in conventional seismic exploration. On land, marine vibrators today can produce signal frequencies down to 1.5 Hz. The seismic acquisition system consists of the source system and the receiver system.

What is Designature?

Deconvolution to remove the embedded wavelet (or a measured or modeled wavelet), i.e., to estimate what would have resulted from an impulsive source with broad bandwidth.

How are seismic signatures used in broadband processing?

DUG recognises the use of high-quality relevant signatures in the effective deconvolution of the source wavelet from seismic data as an important part of high fidelity broadband processing. We use the NFH data to calculate notional signatures for every shot and subsequently use these for signature deconvolution and zero-phasing.

How is seismic data delivered to high frequencies?

To deliver broadband seismic data up to very high frequencies, the source ghost must be removed. Similar to receiver deghosting, the wave-equation processing deghosting technique can be applied to suppress the ghost and enhance the signal bandwidth for conventional sources.

Why is adaptive deghosting used for seismic data?

Adaptive deghosting accounts for uncertainties in recorded cable depths making it uniquely suited to extend the usable bandwidth of both legacy and newly acquired seismic datasets.

Which is the best technology for seismic processing?

We have developed key technologies in noise removal, deghosting and designature, 3D demultiple, data regularisation, imaging and post-migration processing to meet this goal. Our processing solutions cater for 2D, 3D and time-lapse projects using towed-streamer, ocean-bottom and onshore seismic datasets.


What is deghosting seismic? Receiver deghosting (removing gr) accounts for the fact that the sea-surface reflects seismic energy back into the water layer such that any seismic event is recorded twice: first as an up-going wavefield that has been reflected by the subsurface, and then as a ghost, which is the down-going field that has…