What is Bravo pH monitoring?

What is Bravo pH monitoring?

Bravo® (catheter-free or wireless) Esophageal pH Monitoring Study. Wireless esophageal pH monitoring measures the amount of acidic reflux in your esophagus during a 48-hour period, and assesses whether your symptoms are correlated with the presence of acid in the esophagus.

How does the Bravo pH monitor work?

The capsule measures pH levels in the esophagus and transmits readings to a receiver (about the size of a pager) worn on your belt or waistband. The receiver has several buttons on it that you will press to record symptoms of GERD such as heartburn (a caregiver will tell you what symptoms to record).

Is esophageal pH monitoring painful?

There are very few side effects of esophageal pH monitoring. There may be mild discomfort in the back of the throat while the catheter is in place. The vast majority of patients have no difficulty eating, sleeping, or going about their daily activities.

Is the Bravo pH test painful?

Background: The Bravo catheter-free pH monitoring system uses a capsule attached to the esophageal mucosa to detect acid exposure. Placement of the Bravo capsule is associated with intermittent chest pain in 50% of normal volunteers.

Is a Bravo test safe?

Although the Bravo pH test is safe and only available by prescription, there are a few potential complications such as: Premature detachment of the pH capsule. Failure of pH capsule to detach within several days after placement. Discomfort with placement of the pH capsule.

Is Bravo test painful?

Will it hurt? Typically, patients do not feel anything throughout the procedure. Very rarely a patient may experience vague chest discomfort, which usually subsides when the capsule falls off the esophageal wall.

What to expect from the Bravo pH test?

What to Expect from the Bravo pH Test Chest pain, Chronic cough, Asthma, Sinus problems, Ear problems, Tooth erosion, and even Acne

What is Bravo monitoring?

Bravo® pH Monitoring is a test that measures and records the pH of your esophagus. The results help determine if you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition where acid from the stomach moves back up to the esophagus. Left untreated, GERD can lead to serious medical problems.

What is the Bravo test for acid reflux?

Esophagus: 48-Hour Bravo Esophageal pH Test Menu. An esophageal pH test measures and records the pH in your esophagus to determine if you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The test can also be done to determine the effectiveness of medications or surgical treatment for GERD.

What is pH Bravo?

The Bravo system is a pH test to help your doctor determine if you have acid reflux. A pH test measures the degree of acidity or alkalinity in your esophagus.

What is Bravo pH monitoring? Bravo® (catheter-free or wireless) Esophageal pH Monitoring Study. Wireless esophageal pH monitoring measures the amount of acidic reflux in your esophagus during a 48-hour period, and assesses whether your symptoms are correlated with the presence of acid in the esophagus. How does the Bravo pH monitor work? The capsule measures…