What is another word for very sensitive?

What is another word for very sensitive?

What is another word for sensitive?

perceptive sympathetic
insightful kindly
knowing perceiving
unselfish finely tuned
supersensitive touchy feely

What’s the opposite of oversensitive?

What is the opposite of oversensitive?

thick-skinned callous
hard hardened
insensitive tough
uncaring unfeeling
heartless obdurate

What is another word for desensitize?

In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for desensitize, like: benumb, numb, desensitise, awareness, blunt, dull, take-the-edge-off, deaden, sensitize and sensitise.

Is sensitive a positive word?

The first two meanings of “sensitive” are a little negative, but the last meaning is positive. I hope that everyone understands how to use this word in all of its meanings now.

Is being sensitive a good thing?

Being sensitive is being kind, caring, able to pick up on the feelings of others, and aware of their needs and behaving in a way that helps them feel good. Being sensitive is often a good thing. It helps respond to the environment and people. It helps us being alert of the danger.

Is being too sensitive a disorder?

What Is Hypersensitivity? Hypersensitivity — also known as being a “highly sensitive person” (HSP) — is not a disorder. It is an attribute common in people with ADHD.

How do you desensitize someone?

Systemic desensitization involves three main steps. First, you’ll learn muscle relaxation techniques. Then, you’ll create a list of your fears, ranking them in terms of intensity….Learning relaxation skills

  1. Diaphragmatic breathing.
  2. Visualization.
  3. Progressive muscle relaxation.
  4. Meditation and mindfulness techniques.

What does it mean if someone is desensitize?

transitive verb. 1 : to make (a sensitized or hypersensitive individual) insensitive or nonreactive to a sensitizing agent. 2 : to make emotionally insensitive or callous specifically : to extinguish an emotional response (as of fear, anxiety, or guilt) to stimuli that formerly induced it.

How do you describe sensitivity?

English Language Learners Definition of sensitive

  1. : easily upset by the things that people think or say about you.
  2. : likely to cause people to become upset.
  3. : aware of and understanding the feelings of other people.

What is sensitive example?

Sensitivity is the quality of being tender, easily irritated or sympathetic. An example of sensitivity is lights hurting someone’s eyes. An example of sensitivity is a person who gets upset very easily. An example of sensitivity is how a friend treats another who’s going through a tough time.

How does a sensitive person behave?

Highly sensitive people tend to feel deeply moved by the beauty they see around them. They may cry while watching particularly heartwarming videos and can really empathize with the feelings of others, both negative and positive. You may have close relationships with others.

Why being too sensitive is bad?

Being too sensitive can lead to indifference. It alerts you to danger; it’s also the basis for empathy. But being sensitive is double-edged, as it can lead either in a pro-social or in an egotistical direction.


What is another word for very sensitive? What is another word for sensitive? perceptive sympathetic insightful kindly knowing perceiving unselfish finely tuned supersensitive touchy feely What’s the opposite of oversensitive? What is the opposite of oversensitive? thick-skinned callous hard hardened insensitive tough uncaring unfeeling heartless obdurate What is another word for desensitize? In this page…