What is another way of saying in favor of?

What is another way of saying in favor of?

What is another word for in favor of?

for pro
all for on the side of
rooting for behind
backing in agreement of
in furtherance of in the interest of

Are you in favor synonyms?

synonyms for be in favor of

  • accept.
  • advocate.
  • appreciate.
  • back.
  • champion.
  • choose.
  • encourage.
  • support.

What does it mean to be in favor of something?

1. In support of, approving, as in We are in favor of her promotion, or All the reviews were in his favor. [ Mid-1500s] 2. To the advantage of, as in The court decided in favor of the defendant. [

What is a synonym for not in favor?

What is another word for not in favour of?

indisposed disinclined
opposed antagonistic
backward hostile
inimical not disposed
not keen not minded

Whats the opposite of in favor?

What is the opposite of in favor of?

against anti
opposed to in opposition to
not in favor of antagonistic to
not for hostile to
critical of resistant to

What is the synonym of supportive?

In this page you can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for supportive, like: assistant, subsidiary, contributory, auxiliary, accessory, collateral, ancillary, help, , caring and sympathetic.

What is the synonym of favor?

Synonyms for favor. care (for), lean (toward or towards), like, prefer.

What is it called when you favor someone?

favoritism Add to list Share. A teacher who shows a clear preference for a particular student might be accused of favoritism, or favoring one person over others. The word favorite is at the root of favoritism, from the Latin root favere, “to show kindness to.”

What does I am not in Favour mean?

1 an approving attitude; good will. 2 an act performed out of good will, generosity, or mercy. 3 prejudice and partiality; favouritism. 4 a condition of being regarded with approval or good will (esp.

Is not in your favor meaning?

It means the conditions or environment are not ideal, or difficult, to start a business in. to say the “odds are not in your favor” means you have a low chance of success.

Can I ask for a Favour?

If you are a manager, you probably ask people to do things all the time! But if you ask a friend to do something out of kindness or generosity, you are asking a favour. This is quite easy to do in English, but it’s complicated slightly by the fact that we tend to be very polite when we’re asking favours.

What is another way of saying in favor of? What is another word for in favor of? for pro all for on the side of rooting for behind backing in agreement of in furtherance of in the interest of Are you in favor synonyms? synonyms for be in favor of accept. advocate. appreciate. back. champion.…