What is an example of an exit discharge?

What is an example of an exit discharge?

An example of an exit discharge is a door at the bottom of a two-hour fire resistance-rated enclosed stairway that discharges to a place of safety outside the building. Exit route means a continuous and unobstructed path of exit travel from any point within a workplace to a place of safety (including refuge areas).

What are the requirements for a fire exit?

What is a fire exit?

  • Lead directly as possible to a safe place, such as outside or into a protected stairwell.
  • Be quick and easy to open and never locked or fastened in a way that prevents an immediate evacuation.
  • Open in the direction of escape.
  • Not be a sliding or revolving door.

What is the level of exit discharge?

The term “level of exit discharge” is used to describe the location of the door from the exit (stair enclosure) to discharge the stair directly to the outside as noted in the appendix for an exit. This includes the use of exit passageways or egress through areas on this level to reach the outside.

What are three 3 basic conditions required by OSHA related to means of egress?

(1) Free and unobstructed access to each exit route must be provided to ensure safe exit during an emergency. (2) The exit route must be free of material or equipment. (3) Employees must not be required to travel through a room that can be locked, such as a bathroom, or toward a dead end to reach an exit.

What is considered an exit?

Exit – portion of an exit route that is generally separated from other areas to provide a protected way of travel to the exit discharge. Exit discharge – part of the exit route that leads directly outside or to a street, walkway, refuge area, public way, or open space with access to the outside.

What requirements must exit routes meet quizlet?

Exit routes must be adequately signposted, exit to an outside area, be unlocked, be sufficiently large, as well as being sufficient for the number of people needing to exit during an emergency.

Are fire escapes required?

Both the 2012 IBC and 2012 IRC require emergency escape and rescue openings for residential buildings of 4 floors or less, in sleeping rooms and basements with habitable space, for means of emergency egress.

Do you need 2 exits in a house?

Number of exits All buildings shall have minimum two exits in the form of enclosed staircases. opening to the open space Every doorway shall open into corridor leading to an exit or to an enclosed staircase. Exit doors shall not open on to a staircase. Exit doorways shall be openable without a key.

How many emergency exits are required?

Normally, a workplace must have at least two exit routes to permit prompt evacuation of employees and other building occupants during an emergency. More than two exits are required, however, if the number of employees, size of the building, or arrangement of the workplace will not allow employees to evacuate safely.

What requirements must exit routes meet?

An exit route must meet minimum height and width requirements. The ceiling of an exit route must be at least seven feet six inches (2.3 m) high. Any projection from the ceiling must not reach a point less than six feet eight inches (2.0 m) from the floor.

What size room requires 2 exits?

Two exit access doorways are required in boiler, incinerator and furnace rooms where the area is over 500 square feet (46 m2) and any fuel-fired equipment exceeds 400,000 British thermal units (Btu) (422 000 KJ) input capacity.

What are the requirements for exit discharge?

Height and Width. OSHA requires that the height of an exit must be seven feet. Anything projecting from the ceiling must be at least six feet from the ground. The width of the exit must be at least 28 inches. If there is only one exit point, the width of the exit access and the unlocked exit discharge must be at least equal to the exit access.

What does level of exit discharge mean?

The term “level of exit discharge” is used to describe the location of the door from the exit (stair enclosure) to discharge the stair directly to the outside as noted in the appendix for an exit. This includes the use of exit passageways or egress through areas on this level to reach the outside.

Are sidewalks required for exit discharge?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has indicated that all required exit discharge surfaces must be an asphalt or concrete sidewalk. Title LIFE SAFETY CODE DOCUMENTATION FOR REVIEW

What is OSHA exit discharge?

Exit Discharge. An exit discharge is OHSA’s terminology for an exit door. It must conform to certain standards in accordance with OSHA regulations. The exit door must remain unlocked at all times.


What is an example of an exit discharge? An example of an exit discharge is a door at the bottom of a two-hour fire resistance-rated enclosed stairway that discharges to a place of safety outside the building. Exit route means a continuous and unobstructed path of exit travel from any point within a workplace to…