What is a JI weapon?

What is a JI weapon?

The ji was initially a hybrid between a spear and a dagger-axe. It was a relatively common infantry weapon in Ancient China, and was also used by cavalry and charioteers. One variety was called the qinglong ji (Chinese: 青龍戟; lit. ‘cerulean dragon ji’), and had a spear tip with a crescent blade on one side.

Who made the Qiang spear?

According to general Qi Jiguang, the Ming military categorized spears above 9 feet as short spears, 14 feet as long spears, and spears below 9 feet as spiked staffs, which were used more for hitting than stabbing. Spears used in war are typically made of hardwood….Qiang (spear)

Korean name
Hangul 창,첑

What weapons did ancient China have?

The early weapons in China were mainly bows and arrows, spears, dagger-axes, knives and swords. The original bows and arrows were crude as the main parts were made of branches of trees and the bowstrings were made of animal hide or tendon or even plant fiber.

What was the best ancient Chinese weapon?

The great weapon of Chinese warfare throughout its history was the bow. The most common weapon of all, skill in its use was also the most esteemed.

When was the JI invented?

The earliest Halberd (Ji) so far discovered by archaeologists is from the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC). It served as an important military weapon during the Han Dynasty (202-220 BC) however, the Long-Spear eventually replaced it.

Who invented halberd?

Halberd was a type of pole-arm weapon which was invented by the Swiss soldiers in the 14th century. The weapon was innovative for its age, effective and particularly cheap to produce. It combined an axe, a hook and a pike at one end of a long wooden shaft which was wielded by the soldier.

Did the Chinese use spears?

Shang dynasty (c. Early handheld weapons included the dagger-axe, a bronze blade mounted at right angles to a 0.9 to 1.8 m long shaft, and bronze spears roughly 2.1 m in length. The dagger-axe was the first Chinese weapon designed to kill other people.

Did Vikings use halberds?

An atgeir, sometimes called a “mail-piercer” or “hewing-spear”, was a type of polearm in use in Viking Age Scandinavia and Norse colonies in the British Isles and Iceland. It is usually translated in English as “halberd”, but most likely closer resembled a bill or glaive during the Viking age.

What kind of weapons did the ancient Chinese use?

The weapons used by the ancient Chinese army were masterpieces of engineering, which evolved throughout the history of China. The Chinese army predominantly used four classes of weapons, which were the Dao, Qiang, Jian and Ji. In ancient China, the Dao was one of the most widely used weapons.

What was the name of the ancient Chinese sword?

Some of the greatest literatures of the warfare of swords, Yue Nu Jian and Jian Dao, were written during the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC – AD 25). The importance of the Jian on the battlefield started declining during the Han Dynasty of Eastern China.

What was the martial arts of ancient China?

The civilization of ancient China has developed renowned martial arts and battle techniques. A predominant example of such arts is Kung-Fu. The Chinese army was a very successful force commanded by the Chinese emperor in the Asian continent. It checked the power of many other nations in Southeast Asia.

What are the five weapons of the Han dynasty?

The jian was mentioned as one of the “Five Weapons” during the Han dynasty, the other four being dao, spear, halberd, and staff. Another version of the Five Weapons lists the bow and crossbow as one weapon, the jian and dao as one weapon, in addition to halberd, shield, and armour.

What is a JI weapon? The ji was initially a hybrid between a spear and a dagger-axe. It was a relatively common infantry weapon in Ancient China, and was also used by cavalry and charioteers. One variety was called the qinglong ji (Chinese: 青龍戟; lit. ‘cerulean dragon ji’), and had a spear tip with a…