What is a good word count for the extended essay?

What is a good word count for the extended essay?

While most essays have a word count in the 3,900 range, it is perfectly acceptable to submit an essay that is 3,500 words. While there is no actual minimum word count, you would probably want to write over 3,000 words, since a short essay might imply that the topic was not investigated thoroughly enough.

Can my extended essay be 2500 words?

The length of the extended essay The upper limit is 4,000 words for all extended essays.

Do citations count in extended essay word count?

No, in-text citations don’t count in any EE or IA word counts, as far as I know. The upper limit is 4,000 words for all extended essays. This upper limit includes the introduction, the body, the conclusion and any quotations, but does not include: the abstract.

What words should you not count in an essay?

For concise and meaningful writing, do your best to avoid these words and phrases in your admission essays.

  • 1) Contractions.
  • 2) Idioms.
  • 3-5) “So on,” “etc,” “and so forth“
  • 6) Clichés.
  • 7-11) “Thing,” “stuff,” “good,” “bad,” “big“
  • 12) Slang, jargon, teen speak.
  • 13) Rhetorical questions.

How long is a good extended essay?

The body of your EE should make up the bulk of the essay. It should be about eight to 18 pages long (again, depending on your topic). Your body can be split into multiple parts.

How many sides of a4 is 4000 words?

How many pages does 4000 words equal? Single spaced, 4000 words would produce about 8 pages; double spaced around 16 pages.

How can I count words in my essay?

Count the number of words in a part of a document To count the number of words in only part of your document, select the text you want to count. Then on the Tools menu, click Word Count. Just like the Word desktop program, Word for the web counts words while you type.

How does the essay word counter work online?

What is Essay Word Counter and how it works? Our online word counter is a perfect tool for those who need to keep a count of their words or characters but don’t use Microsoft Word or other text editors. The word counter ensures accurate and instant results. Simply type or copy your text into the window above – words will be counted automatically.

What is the definition of a definition essay?

A definition essay is simply writing that expounds what a term means. Some terms have concrete definition while other terms depend on a person’s viewpoint. When choosing a definition essay topic, you need to understand the topic before you pen the essay for others to read. Explain the term in simple words or in your own words.

What is not counted in the Ib extended essay?

What is not counted is the abstract, table of contents, footnotes, bibliography, appendices and charts, maps etc. Best of luck! 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank.

Which is an example of an essay topic?

Explain the term in simple words or in your own words. Example topic “Love” you can take a whole week writing about love.For the sake of your essay, limit it to either, platonic love or romantic love or any other kind of love. Please note you don’t need a long essay more than the word count instructions to get 100% marks.

What is a good word count for the extended essay? While most essays have a word count in the 3,900 range, it is perfectly acceptable to submit an essay that is 3,500 words. While there is no actual minimum word count, you would probably want to write over 3,000 words, since a short essay might…