What is a CIL form?

What is a CIL form?

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge, introduced by the Planning Act 2008, as a tool for local authorities in England and Wales to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area.

Do I need to complete a CIL form?

The form must be submitted to the Collecting Authority, and any relief must be granted by them, prior to the commencement of the development. Otherwise the full CIL charge will be payable. If you have answered ‘Yes’ to c), please note that you will need to complete ‘CIL Form 7: Self Build Exemption Claim – Part 1’.

How do I submit a CIL form?

You should submit the CIL Additional Information form at the same time as your planning application. The Planning Portal will allow you to upload the form as a supporting document. In this way, the local authority will receive it alongside the planning application to which it relates.

What is included in CIL?

Generally, any structure with 3 walls and a roof can be considered to be a building with internal floorspace and is therefore chargeable under CIL. GIA is the internal area of the building, and should include: rooms. circulation and service space such as lifts and floorspace devoted to corridors and communal entrances.

What triggers CIL?

CIL liability is not triggered by a material start: it is triggered by the date given in a commencement notice (unless the notice is withdrawn in advance) or, in the absence of advance notice, the deeming of a commencement date by the collecting authority.

Who pays CIL charge?

Who is liable to pay the levy? Landowners are ultimately liable for the levy, but anyone involved in a development may take on the liability to pay. In order to benefit from payment windows and instalments, someone must assume liability before the development has commenced (see regulation 70).

When should I submit CIL form?

CIL becomes payable on commencement of development. The CIL Regulations require that a liable person(s) submits a Commencement Notice to the Council stating the day that they intend to commence development. The Commencement Notice must be submitted to the Council at least a day before the development commences.

How is CIL calculated?

How is the CIL calculated? The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is calculated per square metre. The calculation involves multiplying the CIL charging rate by the net chargeable floor area (based on Gross Internal Area), and factoring in an index figure to allow for changes in building costs over time.

Who is liable for CIL payments?

Is CIL payable on self build?

Self-builders are now exempt from the CIL charge.

How can I avoid paying CIL?

The most obvious way to avoid paying CIL is not to commence development or to delay commencement. However, you may need to commence development sooner than you might otherwise like to, for example to prevent a planning permission from expiring.

What triggers CIL payment?

What do I need to know about CIL exemptions?

These policies should be read prior to the completion of the relevant CIL exemption form. In order for a development to qualify for any type of relief or an exemption from CIL, we must receive Form 7 (part 1), Form 8, Form 9, Form 10 or Form 11 as appropriate, prior to commencement.

What do I need to put on my CIL form?

Those applying for planning permission should submit the CIL Additional Information Form (see above) along with their planning application, so that our CIL team can determine whether the proposed development is CIL liable.

When to apply for Community Infrastructure Levy ( CIL )?

The CIL process begins when you submit a planning application. If you need to pay CIL, you can follow a step-by-step guide and download all relevant forms on our Community Infrastructure Levy Process page.

When to transfer liability on CIL form 3?

If at any point during the application process a liable party should need to withdraw or transfer their liability, either Form 3: Withdrawal of Assumption of Liability or Form 4: Transfer of Liability, should be completed. Parties may transfer liability to pay at any time up to the day before the date when final payment is due.

What is a CIL form? The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge, introduced by the Planning Act 2008, as a tool for local authorities in England and Wales to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area. Do I need to complete a CIL form? The form must be submitted to…