What happens in A Streetcar Named Desire Scene 4?

What happens in A Streetcar Named Desire Scene 4?

Summary and Analysis Scene 4. The following morning, Blanche comes hesitantly and frightenedly to the Kowalski apartment and when she sees Stella alone, she rushes to her and embraces her. Blanche remembers an old boy friend named Shep Huntleigh. She plans to contact him to see if he can help her out of her situation.

What happens in A Streetcar Named Desire Scene 5?

Stella finds no humor in her sister’s stories. Their conversation is interrupted by the sound of Steve and Eunice fighting upstairs. Eunice accuses Steve of infidelity and cries out as he begins to beat her. After a huge noise, Eunice runs out of her flat, yelling that she is going to the police.

What is Blanche’s tragic flaw in Scene 4?

Blanche’s tragic flaw is that she is dependant on men, so much so that she makes choices and does things that are morally questionable. She manipulates and lies to potential suitors to make herself seem more attractive and younger-which in her mind is the only way a man will love her.

Who does Stella end up in scene 4?

Under cover of another passing train, Stanley slips out of the apartment, and enters it again noisily. Stella runs to Stanley and embraces him fiercely. Stanley grins at Blanche.

Why is Stella attracted to Stanley?

Stella stays with Stanley simply because she is in love with the aspects of his character that make him abusive in the first place. She is, on a fundamental level, deeply attracted to his animal and impulsive nature. She is in love with him.

What is the symbolism of the streetcar that Blanche mentions in her conversation with Stella?

Stella defends her relationship with Stanley through their sexual chemistry. Blanche uses the streetcar named Desire symbolically, saying that carnal desire is not a way to run a life. But Blanche herself has ridden Desire to arrive in New Orleans; in other words, her own lust has taken her to the end of the line.

Why does Stanley not kiss Stella in front of Blanche?

Key interpretation. Stanley’s refusal to kiss Stella in front of Blanche could show that he is inhibited in Blanche’s presence, or that he resents his wife for allowing her to stay with them.

What did Stanley do on his wedding night?

What did Stanley do on his and Stella’s wedding night? On their wedding night, Stanley took Stella’s slipper and broke all of the lightbulbs in the apartment. It represents him controlling what Stella sees.

What mental illness does Blanche Dubois have?

Signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are shown in her character and are significantly shown throughout the play as her character suffers many hardships. Blanche obviously wasn’t well and there were many reasons why she wasn’t.

What does narcotized tranquility mean?

To put to sleep; lull. 3. To dull; deaden.

What is ironic about Blanche’s statement that she Cannot forgive Mitch?

The irony in Blanche’s statement about deliberate cruelty is that she can’t forgive Mitch for it even though she’s been telling him lies about herself so he would want her.

Why can’t Stella leave Stanley?

Stella is not emotionally strong enough to leave Stanley. She seems to be very dependent on him and cannot entertain the thought of being without him. In the end, she must make a choice between Stanley and Blanche—and she chooses her husband. Stella and Blanche have been raised to be dependent on men.

Who is the hero of Streetcar Named Desire?

Course Hero Literature Instructor Russell Jaffe provides… Tennessee Williams’s A Street Car Named Desire explained with scene summaries in just a few minutes! Course Hero Literature Instructor Russell Jaffe provides…

Why does Blanche want Mitch in A Streetcar Named Desire?

Stanley has begun to peel away Blanche’s lies, making her frantic. The second part of Scene 5 delves deeper into Blanche’s desires. She has a desperate desire to attract Mitch because she wants to rely on someone who can relieve her of the pressures of life. Blanche says, “I want to rest! I want to breathe quietly again! Yes—I want Mitch.”

Why are Eunice and Steve together in A Streetcar Named Desire?

Eunice and Steve’s quick reconciliation after their fight also underscores the notion that Stella and Stanley’s violent love is the norm in these parts. Like the sexual attachment between Stella and Stanley, Eunice and Steve’s sexual attachment appears far healthier than Blanche’s, and Blanche’s expectations for love begin to seem unrealistic.

What happens at the Flamingo in A Streetcar Named Desire?

Blanche becomes nervous when Stanley casually mentions a man named Shaw, who claims he met Blanche at a sleazy hotel called the Flamingo. Although Blanche denies this story, her frightened reaction confirms the truth of it. Stanley has begun to peel away Blanche’s lies, making her frantic.

What happens in A Streetcar Named Desire Scene 4? Summary and Analysis Scene 4. The following morning, Blanche comes hesitantly and frightenedly to the Kowalski apartment and when she sees Stella alone, she rushes to her and embraces her. Blanche remembers an old boy friend named Shep Huntleigh. She plans to contact him to see…