What happened in Book 24 of the Iliad?

What happened in Book 24 of the Iliad?

Book 24 is the final book in The Iliad. Here, Priam decides to ask Achilles for Hector’s body. Ultimately, Achilles empathizes with Priam and decides to do the right thing and return Hector’s body. Priam returns the body to Troy, where the Trojans properly honor and bury Hector’s body.

How does the odyssey end in Book 24?

Back at the farm, Odysseus and the other men get ready to face the army from town. Athena in the disguise of Mentor gives Laertes great strength and he kills Eupithes with a spear. Athena orders the townsmen to stop fighting, and they flee in terror; Odysseus obeys the decree as well. Ithaca is finally at peace.

Did Priam move Achilles?

Priam appeals to Achilles as a suppliant, reminding Achilles of the feelings that he has for his own dead father. Achilles is so moved by these reawakened memories of home and parents that he agrees to accept Priam’s offer of ransom for Hektor’s body. Afterward, a great funeral banquet is served in Priam’s palace.

Who is the last person Odysseus reveals himself to?

Summary: Book 21 The suitors warm and grease the bow to make it supple, but one by one they all try and fail. Meanwhile, Odysseus follows Eumaeus and Philoetius outside. He assures himself of their loyalty and then reveals his identity to them by means of the scar on his foot.

Why did Achilles take Hector’s body?

Seeing Priam in tears before him evokes sympathy in Achilles. He knows that his father will feel the same way after his own fated death. With his anger subsided, Achilles feels compassion for the king of his enemies. With this transaction sanctioned by the gods, Achilles agrees to release Hector’s body to Priam.

What happens to Achilles in the Odyssey Book 24?

Book 24 is a portrait of grief, from anger to compassion. Up to this point Achilles has been stuck in anger fed by grief. At the beginning of the section Apollo calls him “That man without a shred of decency in his heart,” all “brute force and wild pride,” and no “shame that does great harm or drives men on to good.”

Why does the eagle appear in the Iliad Book 24?

They dine together, symbolically providing some healing for both their griefs. The eagle of Zeus again appears in Book 24 as a sign of the god’s approval of Priam’s trip to the Achaean camp. As an animal with excellent vision, it also symbolizes that the gods will help the king navigate successfully through the darkness.

Why is book 24 better than the rest of the Odyssey?

The early ending theory also rests on a subjective evaluation of the quality of the present ending. To many, Book 24 seems inferior to the rest of The Odyssey.

What happens at the end of the Iliad?

Arriving at Achilles’s lodge, Priam kneels before him and kisses his hands. Priam’s appeal touches Achilles’s heart, and they weep together. Achilles agrees to give up Hector’s body, but when Priam suggests he sail home safely to his own father, Achilles warns him not to tempt his rage.

What happened in Book 24 of the Iliad? Book 24 is the final book in The Iliad. Here, Priam decides to ask Achilles for Hector’s body. Ultimately, Achilles empathizes with Priam and decides to do the right thing and return Hector’s body. Priam returns the body to Troy, where the Trojans properly honor and bury…