What exotic animals are illegal in Arkansas?

What exotic animals are illegal in Arkansas?

Arkansas. Large carnivores like lions, tigers, and bears are illegal to own, as are apes, baboons, and macaques. There is also a limit of six animals per owner for bobcats, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, quail, opossum, coyote, deer, red fox, and gray fox.

What are 3 endangered species in Arkansas?

This list combines species from several endangered species lists.

Species Name Group
3. American Burying Beetle Insects
4. Arkansas Fatmucket Clams
5. Bachman’s Sparrow Birds
6. Bachman’s Wood Warbler Birds

Can you keep a wild rabbit in Arkansas?

In Arkansas, a resident can keep certain native wildlife species as pets. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission allows individuals to keep up to six animals which have been hand-captured and are native to Arkansas. These include bobcats, coyotes, gray foxes, red foxes, opossums, rabbits, raccoons or squirrels.

What animals are illegal to kill in Arkansas?

IT IS ILLEGAL TO KILL WILDLIFE USING TOXICANTS OR POISONS IN ARKANSAS, even if available commercially or recommended in another state. This includes moles and gophers. Rodenticides may be used to control mice and rats, but poisons or chemicals may not be used to kill any other animal.

Are there alligators in Arkansas?

The American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) has been a component of Arkansas’s native fauna for thousands of years. Alligator populations have since recovered in Arkansas through state and federal protection and restocking efforts. …

What kind of predators are in Arkansas?

Arkansas’s predators include coyotes, gray foxes, red foxes, and bobcats. Among its rodents are 12 mouse species, ground squirrels and the southern flying squirrel. Its small mammals include river otters, shrews, pocket gophers, cottontail rabbits and opossums.

Are there mountain lions in Arkansas?

There is a breeding population of mountain lions in Arkansas, and since our ecosystem desperately needs to be rebalanced, they should put a hunting moratorium on the shooting of cougars with a $20,000 fine for a violation.

What birds are illegal to kill in Arkansas?

English sparrows, blackbirds, starlings and crows committing damage to agriculture crops and personal property may be taken without a permit.

Is it legal to kill crows in Arkansas?

There is no limit on crows. Crows may not be hunted with rifles or pistols larger than . 22 caliber rimfire or with muzzleloaders larger than . 40 caliber unless a modern gun or muzzleloading deer season, bear season or coyote season is open.

What exotic animals are illegal in Arkansas? Arkansas. Large carnivores like lions, tigers, and bears are illegal to own, as are apes, baboons, and macaques. There is also a limit of six animals per owner for bobcats, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, quail, opossum, coyote, deer, red fox, and gray fox. What are 3 endangered species in…