What does perfunctorily mean?

What does perfunctorily mean?

1 : characterized by routine or superficiality : mechanical a perfunctory smile. 2 : lacking in interest or enthusiasm.

Can a person be perfunctory?

A person who does something in a perfunctory way shows little enthusiasm or interest in what they are doing. Many of our everyday greetings are perfunctory. For example, when we say “Hello” and “How are you?”, we usually do so out of habit.

How do you use the word perfunctory?

Perfunctory sentence example

  1. He dropped a perfunctory kiss on her cheek and left.
  2. He completed the act in a perfunctory manner.
  3. They conducted a perfunctory examination.

What is a perfunctory response?

A perfunctory action is done quickly and carelessly, and shows a lack of interest in what you are doing.

What is an example of perfunctory?

The definition of perfunctory is done in a routine manner, without much care or attention. An example of perfunctory is a quick check of a car by a rental agency. He did a perfunctory job cleaning his dad’s car, finishing quickly but leaving a few spots still dirty.

How do you remember the word perfunctory?

Perfunctory means “done routinely and with little interest.” So one may associate this with “per-factory”—imagine a jaded factory worker stuck in their routine with very little interest in their work. Laconic means “using few words” or terse. Knowing the roots of this word can help you remember it.

Is pedantic an insult?

Is pedantic an insult? Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

Is pedantic good or bad?

Pedantic Meaning: Almost Always an Insult Pedantic is used more narrowly. It typically describes a particular kind of annoying person. Pedantic comes from the noun pedant, which originally wasn’t a bad thing to be: a pedant was a household tutor or a schoolteacher.

What does interminably mean?

: having or seeming to have no end especially : wearisomely protracted an interminable sermon.

What does perfunctorily mean? 1 : characterized by routine or superficiality : mechanical a perfunctory smile. 2 : lacking in interest or enthusiasm. Can a person be perfunctory? A person who does something in a perfunctory way shows little enthusiasm or interest in what they are doing. Many of our everyday greetings are perfunctory. For…