What does mean quarrelsome?

What does mean quarrelsome?

: apt or disposed to quarrel in an often petty manner : contentious.

What is a quarrelsome person called?

Some common synonyms of quarrelsome are bellicose, belligerent, contentious, and pugnacious. While all these words mean “having an aggressive or fighting attitude,” quarrelsome stresses an ill-natured readiness to fight without good cause.

What is quarrelsome behavior?

When you are quick to pick a fight or disagree, you are quarrelsome. Toddlers are often quarrelsome. So are couples, at least with each other. If you know that quarrel means to argue or fight, then this is an easy word to figure out. People who are quarrelsome seem to constantly get in fights.

What is your disposition meaning?

disposition, temperament, temper, character, personality mean the dominant quality or qualities distinguishing a person or group. disposition implies customary moods and attitude toward the life around one.

How do you use quarrelsome in a sentence?

1) He became quarrelsome after drinking too much. 2) The diary portrays his family as quarrelsome and malicious. 3) The boy is quarrelsome and ready to fight at the drop of a hat. 4) Benedict had been a wild boy and a quarrelsome young man.

What does it mean if someone is ivory tower?

1 : an impractical often escapist attitude marked by aloof lack of concern with or interest in practical matters or urgent problems. 2 : a secluded place that affords the means of treating practical issues with an impractical often escapist attitude especially : a place of learning.

What is another word for serfdom?

In this page you can discover 17 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for serfdom, like: slavery, yoke, bondage, enslavement, helotry, servileness, servility, servitude, thrall, thralldom and villeinage.

What is an example of disposition?

The definition of disposition is a tendency. An example of disposition is someone who leans toward being happy. Tendency or inclination under given circumstances. I have little disposition now to do as you say. Salt has a disposition to dissolve in water.

What is a good disposition?

Someone’s disposition is their mood or general attitude about life. If your friend woke up on the wrong side of the bed, tell her that she might need a disposition makeover. An animal with an excellent disposition is friendly towards people. If you are cheerful, you’re often said to have a sunny disposition.

What is the sentence of shivered?

Shivered sentence example. Lana shivered as she stepped into the cold night. She shivered from cold and pain. She shivered , wondering what plan Yancey had for dealing with her.

How do you use the word creative in a sentence?

promoting construction or creation.

  1. He has a creative mind.
  2. He is a very creative musician.
  3. Human beings are creative animals.
  4. The writer described the creative process.
  5. She’s very creative and always coming up with new ideas.
  6. She drew an analogy between childbirth and the creative process.

How is the word quarrelsome used in a sentence?

Use quarrelsome in a sentence. This child is being quarrelsome. adjective. The definition of quarrelsome is someone who is prone to getting into arguments or fights. A bully on the playground who always starts fights is an example of someone who would be described as quarrelsome.

When can pugnacious be used instead of quarrelsome?

While the synonyms contentious and quarrelsome are close in meaning, contentious implies perverse and irritating fondness for arguing and quarreling. When can pugnacious be used instead of quarrelsome?

What does disposition mean in a criminal case?

Common dispositions are: 1 Convicted: means you have plead or been found guilty by a court of law. 2 Acquitted: means you have been found not guilty by a court of law in a criminal trial. 3 Dismissed: means the court or prosecutor has decided the charge against you should not go forward, terminating the case.

What did Michelangelo mean by the word quarrelsome?

‘Then, too, Michelangelo had a quarrelsome disposition, and he was harsh in his criticism of others.’ ‘The negative side came about largely through his personality which is described in as: -… occasionally choleric, quarrelsome, and given to invectives.’


What does mean quarrelsome? : apt or disposed to quarrel in an often petty manner : contentious. What is a quarrelsome person called? Some common synonyms of quarrelsome are bellicose, belligerent, contentious, and pugnacious. While all these words mean “having an aggressive or fighting attitude,” quarrelsome stresses an ill-natured readiness to fight without good cause.…