What does a flat stimulus generalization gradient indicate?

What does a flat stimulus generalization gradient indicate?

Early in training you expect the stimulus generalization gradient to. responding similarly to several stimuli. A flat stimulus generalization gradient indicates that subjects are. the instrumental behavior is under the control of the stimulus feature being varied.

What is a stimulus generalization gradient?

In stimulus generalization, a change in the strength or frequency of a response to a variable stimulus as a function of the degree to which it resembles a particular stimulus to which the response has been learned or conditioned.

Why do flat generalization gradients occur?

A flat gradient means all stimuli are being responded to as if they were the same. Responding with a gradient to a tone occurred only when the tone signaled reward during training.

What is generalization gradient in ABA?

GENERALIZATION GRADIENT : A gradient obtained after reinforcement correlated with a single stimulus (occasionally, in studies of the summation of gradients, two or more stimuli), when no discrimination has been trained between this and other stimuli on the continuum along which the gradient is determined.

Why is stimulus generalization gradient important?

Stimulus generalization can have an important impact on the response to a stimulus. Sometimes individuals are able to discriminate between similar items, but in other cases, similar stimuli tend to evoke the same response.

What is the shape of a generalization gradient?

The shape of the generalization gradient reflects the degree of stimulus generalization that an organism exhibits. What is the typical shape of a stimulus generalization gradient? steep gradient—responding decreases substantially even when minor changes in the graining stimulus occur.

What does the steepness of a generalization gradient indicate quizlet?

The steepness of a generalization gradient indicates how much generalization is happening; for example, a flat gradient indicates more generalization whereas a steep gradient indicates less generalization.

What is the difference between stimulus generalization and discrimination?

In stimulus generalization, an organism responds to new stimuli that are similar to the original conditioned stimulus. On the other hand, stimulus discrimination occurs when an organism learns a response to a specific stimulus, but does not respond the same way to new stimuli that are similar.

Is trace conditioning most effective?

This occurs when the conditioned stimulus is presented and terminated before the unconditioned stimulus is presented, allowing a time lag between the two. ‘If this time lapse is longer than 1/2 a second, trace conditioning is not very effective. ‘This is not the most effective way of classical conditioning.

What does a steep generalization gradient indicate?

The shape of the generalization gradient reflects the degree of stimulus generalization that an organism exhibits. steep gradient—responding decreases substantially even when minor changes in the graining stimulus occur.

What do you mean by stimulus generalization gradient?

What is a stimulus generalization gradient? In classical conditioning, a conditioned stimulus can sometimes generalize to other stimuli that have similar properties or characteristics such that these are also able to elicit the conditioned response to varying degrees. This is called stimulus generalization.

When does a conditioned stimulus generalize to another stimulus?

In classical conditioning, a conditioned stimulus can sometimes generalize to other stimuli that have similar properties or characteristics such that these are also able to elicit the conditioned response to varying degrees. This is called stimulus generalization. Become a Study.com member to unlock this answer!

How does sharpness of the generalization gradient depend on the type of training?

The sharpness of the generalization gradient depends on the type of training Flat Gradients A flat gradient means all stimuli are being responded to as if they were the same. Responding with a gradient to a tone occurred only when the tone signaled reward during training. Generalization of Inhibition Inhibition example: fear of dating.

Why is responding less generalized in psy402 theory?

Responding is less generalized because the competing tone produces no reward. z The shape of the gradient becomes steeper and more narrow at the top. The sharpness of the generalization gradient depends on the type of training Flat Gradients A flat gradient means all stimuli are being responded to as if they were the same.

What does a flat stimulus generalization gradient indicate? Early in training you expect the stimulus generalization gradient to. responding similarly to several stimuli. A flat stimulus generalization gradient indicates that subjects are. the instrumental behavior is under the control of the stimulus feature being varied. What is a stimulus generalization gradient? In stimulus generalization, a…