What country can you drink at 15?

What country can you drink at 15?

Minimum Legal Drinking Age in Other Countries

Country On Premise Purchase Age Off Premise Purchase Age
Central African Republic 21 15
Chad 18 18
Chile 18 18
China No age minimum No age minimum

How old is the drinking age in South Korea?

Still, the legal drinking age is 20 (or more specifically Jan 1 of the year the person turns 20, since everyone is considered a year older when the year turns). The legal drinking age for U.S. military stationed in South Korea is 21.

Can a 16 year old date a 20 year old in Korea?

What is the South Korea Age of Consent? The Age of Consent in South Korea is 20 years old. South Korea statutory rape law is violated when an individual has consensual sexual intercourse with a person under age 20 in Korean age. South Korea does not have a close-in-age exemption.

What age is legal in Korea?

20 years old
According to South Korea’s Criminal Act Article 305, the age of consent in South Korea is 20 years old. This is one of the oldest ages of consent in the world.

Should I let my 15 year old drink?

Advice for parents: If children do drink alcohol, they should not do so until they’re at least 15 years old. If 15 to 17 year olds drink alcohol, it should be rarely, and never more than once a week. They should always be supervised by a parent or carer. Read more about alcohol units.

How old are 9th graders in Korea?

School grades

Level/Grade Typical age
9th Grade 14 (15)
High School
10th Grade 15 (16)
11th Grade 16 (17)

What is the legal drinking/clubbing age in Korea?

The legal drinking age in South Korea is 20 years old in Korean age. This is also the age that you have to be to enter most night clubs in Korea. What does this mean for you? The legal drinking age in Korea for foreigners is 19 years of age for most people.

What country has the highest drinking age?

The highest drinking age is 25 in some regions of some countries, including parts of India. The legal drinking age in the United States, Kazakhstan, and Micronesia is 21. Several other nations, including Japan and Iceland, follow closely behind, with an age of 20.

Is Korean drinking age 20?

You have to be 20 or above in Korean age to drink. Yes your Korean age right now is 19, no matter when your birthday is. (in America you turn 18 on your birthday.) Korean age system works like this: you are age 1 right after your birth, and age is added up on every January 1st.

What countries have legal drinking age?

Alcohol is consumed around the world and the United States, along with a few other countries continue to keep the drinking age at 21. But many countries such as China, France, Italy and Spain have a legal drinking age of 18. These countries allow their youth to consume alcohol, but are taught to drink in moderation.

What country can you drink at 15? Minimum Legal Drinking Age in Other Countries Country On Premise Purchase Age Off Premise Purchase Age Central African Republic 21 15 Chad 18 18 Chile 18 18 China No age minimum No age minimum How old is the drinking age in South Korea? 20 Still, the legal drinking…