What can baby African land snails eat?

What can baby African land snails eat?

The African Land Snails are very easy to feed, as they will eat a wide variety of things. The best food is lettuce and cucumber but apple, banana and cabbage can also be given.

How do you take care of a baby snail?

Provide light to the aquarium to encourage the growth of algae on the walls. This may give the snails the only food they can reach. Baby mystery snails eat the same kind of food as their parents, but a young snail raised in a tank may not be able to reach the food.

Can giant African land snails have babies on their own?

A giant African land snail made itself pregnant and has given birth to 81 eggs. While snails are hermaphrodites, meaning they have male and female genitalia, it is rare for them to impregnate themselves.

Do baby African land snails need water?

A very shallow water bowl should be placed in the tank – snails can drown in just a few millimetres of water. Not only does this provide drinking water but also helps to keep the environment humid. The walls of the tank should be wiped regularly and the tank given a thorough clean in plain water once a week.

Is my giant African land snail dead?

If you think your snail might have died, the easiest way to tell is to pick it up and smell it. If it smells bad and fishy, then unfortunately your snail has died. If there is no noticeable smell, then he or she is just sleeping.

How often should I feed my giant African land snail?

Foods like cucumber and lettuce should be avoided as they are not nutritious, but snails will enjoy a diet of vegetables and a source of protein one/two times a week. Fruit should be fed as little as possible as it can cause health problems.

Why has my giant African land snail buried itself?

Once they are happy to lay, they tend to bury themselves in the soil and lay all their eggs in a neat pile under the soil and cover them up. You can see if your snails are getting enough calcium by the eggs. If they are very small and dry, the adult snail isn’t getting enough calcium.

What do you do if a giant African land snail lays eggs?

Once you have retrieved all of the eggs, put them in a secure tub and put them in the freezer for 48 hours, they can then be thrown away. The eggs must be disposed of responsibly; simply throwing them away is illegal.

At what age do giant African land snails lay eggs?

about 6 months
Eggs are first laid when females are about 6 months’ old. The eggs are cream, about 5 mm diameter (Photo 4), laid below the soil surface or on the sides of logs, in batches of 200 to 300. The eggs hatch within 1 to 2 weeks. One snail can lay up to a 1000 eggs each year and snails live for up to 5 years.


What can baby African land snails eat? The African Land Snails are very easy to feed, as they will eat a wide variety of things. The best food is lettuce and cucumber but apple, banana and cabbage can also be given. How do you take care of a baby snail? Provide light to the aquarium…