What are the two changes which are harmful?

What are the two changes which are harmful?

Best Answer (i) Rusting: If a piece of a iron is open for some time, it acquires a film of brownish substance. This substance is called rust and the process is called rusting. Rusting is harmful because it destroys the iron objects. Iron is the most widely used metal and so rusting is such a serious problem.

What are examples of harmful chemical changes?

Examples of Harmful Chemical Reactions

  • Bleach and Acid. Household bleach is a ubiquitous and useful cleaning agent, but it’s quite reactive and produces toxic fumes if combined with acids such as vinegar.
  • Bleach and Ammonia. Ammonia is a form of base, the chemical opposite of an acid.
  • Oven Cleaner and Acid.
  • Fruit Pits.

How is chemical change harmful?

From the negative effects of chemical reactions is the environmental pollution resulting from the emission of some harmful gases from these chemical reactions. The burning reaction is considered from the reactions that produce a lot of pollutant gases such as Fuel-burning, burning of coal and cellulose fibers.

What are 5 examples of a chemical change?

20 Examples of Chemical Change

  • Rusting of iron in presence of moisture and oxygen.
  • Burning of wood.
  • Milk becoming curd.
  • Formation of caramel from sugar by heating.
  • Baking of cookies and cakes.
  • Cooking any food.
  • Acid-base reaction.
  • Digestion of food.

Which change can harm us?

climatic changes are very harmful to us as well as the surrounding and ecosystem…

Which change is burning of fuels?

chemical change
Combustion is a chemical change since it involves a process in which a substance, in this case a fuel, reacts with oxygen in the air to give off heat. Therefore, burning fuel gives us a chemical change.

Is chemical change good or bad?

Chemical and physical changes occur all around us all the time. These changes are essential parts of our daily lives, for example, digesting food, combustion, osmosis, and phase changes. However, a few of the chemical and physical changes that occur daily are harmful for the environment.

What is the good effect of chemical change?

Chemical reactions are the most important types of events in the universe. It’s through chemical reactions that plants grow, produce fruit, and become compost for new plants. It’s because of chemical reactions that human beings (and all other animals) reproduce, digest, grow, heal, and think.

How climate change will affect your health?

The health effects of these disruptions include increased respiratory and cardiovascular disease, injuries and premature deaths related to extreme weather events, changes in the prevalence and geographical distribution of food- and water-borne illnesses and other infectious diseases, and threats to mental health.

What are the harmful effects of chemical change?

The harmful effects of chemical change are acid rain, global warming, and ozone depletion

Are there any chemicals that are harmful to health?

Toxic chemical fumes are harmful to health. Household items can be very dangerous if they are mixed with other chemicals in your house. If bleach is mixed with the slightest amount of ammonia, a very toxic and dangerous fume will be let off into the air.

How are people affected by exposure to chemicals?

People respond to chemical exposures in diferent ways. Some people may come into contact with a chemical and never be harmed. Others may be more sensitive and get sick. Sometimes illness happens only if you are exposed to a harmful substance for a long time.

Why are some reactions more dangerous than others?

This is because some reactants can be very dangerous chemicals released into the air, while other reactions are exothermic and will begin to heat up to very high temperatures. Therefore, you should always be careful when making chemical reactions.

What are the two changes which are harmful? Best Answer (i) Rusting: If a piece of a iron is open for some time, it acquires a film of brownish substance. This substance is called rust and the process is called rusting. Rusting is harmful because it destroys the iron objects. Iron is the most widely…