What are the three aggregate planning strategies?

What are the three aggregate planning strategies?

Aggregate Planning Strategies

  • Level Strategy. As the name suggests, level strategy looks to maintain a steady production rate and workforce level.
  • Chase Strategy. As the name suggests, chase strategy looks to dynamically match demand with production.
  • Hybrid Strategy.

What are demand options?

Demand options are techniques used to even out fluctuations in demand. Maintain a level rate of output and let inventories absorb fluctuations in demand.

What are the main differences between the aggregate planning strategies?

The primary difference among the three strategies is the lever, that is, the parameter that is manipulated to achieve equality of supply and demand over the aggregate planning period. The first chase strategy uses capacity, in the form of machine or personnel capacity, as the lever.

What is chase demand strategy?

Chase demand strategy can be defined as a strategy where the changes are made to the output according to the demand. It involves matching the demand by hiring or firing the workers or by controlling the level of production and using inventories to control the changes in the demand level.

What are the 5 aggregate planning strategies?


  • LEVEL STRATEGY. A level strategy seeks to produce an aggregate plan that maintains a steady production rate and/or a steady employment level.

What are the strategies of aggregate planning?

The level approach to aggregate production planning, on the other hand, avoids the cost of adjustments by keeping production rates steady. This means that the manufacturer builds up inventory at times of lower demand to be able to fulfill orders during periods of peak demand.

What is the purpose of doing aggregate production planning?

The goal of aggregate planning is to minimize operating costs by matching production demand with production capacity. An aggregate plan specifies what materials and other resources are needed and when they should be procured to minimize cost.

What are the outputs of aggregate planning?

“Aggregate Planning is concerned with matching supply and demand of output over the medium time range, up to approximately 12 months into the future. The term aggregate implies that the planning is done for a single overall measure of output or, at the most, a few aggregated product categories.

How do you calculate aggregate planning?

Here are the steps in developing an aggregate plan:

  1. Step 1 Identify the aggregate plan that matches your company’s objectives: level, chase, or hybrid.
  2. Step 2 Based on the aggregate plan, determine the aggregate production rate.
  3. Step 3 Calculate the size of the workforce.
  4. Step 4 Test the aggregate plan.

What are the factors affecting aggregate planning?

Factors considered in the aggregate planning activity include:

  • Sales forecasts.
  • Inventory investment.
  • Capital equipment utilization.
  • Work force capacity.
  • Skills training requirements.
  • Corporate policies concerning customer service levels, overtime, and subcontracting.

What is the difference between a Level demand strategy and a chase demand strategy?

Under the chase strategy, production is varied as demand varies. With the level strategy, production remains at a constant level in spite of demand variations. In companies that produce to stock, this means that finished goods inventory levels will grow during low demand periods and decrease during high demand periods.

What are demand management strategies?

Demand management is the function of recognizing and managing all organizational demand for products or services. Developing a demand management strategy optimizes the organization’s ability to make the SCM process more effective and efficient and is intended to bring demand and supply into convergence.

What are the options in an aggregate plan?

Companies can choose from two groups of options when formulating an aggregate plan. The first group, demand-based options, includes two reactive options and one proactive option. These are A group of options that respond to demand fluctuations through the use of inventory or back orders, or by shifting the demand pattern.

What is the chase strategy of Aggregate planning?

Chase strategy The chase strategy of aggregate planning puts its onus on reducing inventory. It keeps pace with demand fluctuations by varying either actual level of output or the workforce number. It is considered not as rigid as a level strategy as it allows room for some deviation from the conventional approach.

How is a hybrid strategy used in aggregate planning?

In the hybrid strategy of aggregate planning, the organizations build up inventory before rising demands. It uses backorders to level with high peak periods. It can easily cover short-term peaks by hiring workers temporarily or by subcontracting production. Hiring, lay-off and reassigning workers is a normal part of the hybrid strategy.

Why is Aggregate planning better than individual forecasts?

High and low are tend to cross each other out randomly. That leads to greater accuracy in obtaining the total demand forecast than the isolated demand forecast. Hence aggregating the demands of the individual products and handling the aggregate production plan is better than talking about individual production plans.

What are the three aggregate planning strategies? Aggregate Planning Strategies Level Strategy. As the name suggests, level strategy looks to maintain a steady production rate and workforce level. Chase Strategy. As the name suggests, chase strategy looks to dynamically match demand with production. Hybrid Strategy. What are demand options? Demand options are techniques used to…