What are the signs of Bastet?

What are the signs of Bastet?

Represented as a woman with a cat’s head, Bastet carries an ancient percussion instrument, the sistrum, in her right hand; a so-called aegis, or breastplate (in Bastet’s case, surmounted with the head of a lioness), in her left hand; and a small bag over her left arm. She wears an elaborately ornamented dress.

What is a Bastet used for?

Not only did they protect the crops and slow the spread of disease by killing rodents, they were also thought to be the physical form of the goddess Bastet. Bastet was the goddess of protection, pleasure, and the bringer of good health. She had the head of a cat and a slender female body.

Is Bastet and Sekhmet the same?

Eventually Bastet and Sekhmet were characterized as two aspects of the same goddess, with Sekhmet representing the powerful warrior and protector aspect and Bastet, who increasingly was depicted as a cat, representing a gentler aspect.

Is Bastet married to Anubis?

No, Bastet and Anubis doesn’t have any relationship at all. There were none of myths or hieroglyph described that Bastet and Anubis had relationship at all. While Anubis is a jackal-head god which his roles in the Egyptian pantheon as protector of tombs, embalmer, guide of souls and weighing of the heart.

What are Bastet’s weaknesses?


  • Weaknesses. All werecats have a Yava, a three-folded tribal weakness that is a highly guarded secret of the tribe in question.
  • Breeds. The Bastet have three Breeds.
  • Pryio.
  • Forms.
  • Tribes.

Who is the goddess of cats?

Bastet is probably the best-known feline goddess from Egypt. Initially depicted as a lioness, Bastet assumed the image of a cat or a feline-headed woman in the 2nd millennium BCE. Although she combined both nurturing and violent qualities, her shielding and motherly aspects typically were emphasized.

Who married Anubis?

Anubis’ wife is the goddess Anput. Anubis’s daughter is the goddess Kebechet. Usually, Anubis is portrayed as the son of Nephthys and Set, Osiris’ brother and the god of the desert and darkness. One myth says that Nephthys got Osiris drunk and the resultant seduction brought forth Anubis.

Is Bastet Anubis daughter?

The Myth of Bastet and Anubis Anubis’s father is accepted as being Ra. However depending on the historical text, he is either said to be the son of the cow goddess Hesat or the cat goddess Bastet. Interestingly, Bastet is also said to be the daughter of Ra, which would mean she had a child with her own father!

What is the difference between Bast and Bastet?

The goddess we most frequently call “Bastet” today was known as both “Bast” and “Bastet” in ancient Egypt. “Bast” was her earlier name. So “Bastet” also meant “she of the ointment jar.” Bast was originally a lioness goddess, but as time went on, she was more closely associated with the housecat.

What are the signs of Bastet? Represented as a woman with a cat’s head, Bastet carries an ancient percussion instrument, the sistrum, in her right hand; a so-called aegis, or breastplate (in Bastet’s case, surmounted with the head of a lioness), in her left hand; and a small bag over her left arm. She wears…