What are the four main types of families existing in Indian society?

What are the four main types of families existing in Indian society?

These are the stem family, lineal family, and extended or joint family; 5. Stem family: A family consisting of the family of procreation of one married child linked with the ego’s family of orientation in a common household is called a stem family.

What is the role of family in India explain?

The family is an important institution that plays a central role in the lives of most Indians. As a collectivistic society, Indians often emphasise loyalty and interdependence. These large multigenerational families can also be essential to providing economic security to an individual.

What is the importance of family in Indian culture?

Various age-old traditions, customs and ways of living are all products of family system. In fact, the family system lays the seeds for social cohesion and democratic thinking. Families play an important role in preserving and promoting the cultural and social values in a society.

What are the family values in India?

One of the longest surviving institutions of India, ‘Indian Family’ represents the three pillars of Loyalty, Integrity and Unity. The first lessons of collectivism and sacrificing individualism are learned from the family. Extended family and kinship are the major aspects of the Indian family system.

What is wrong with Indian parents and society?

The biggest problem with Indian parents is that they are not able to adapt their mind with the dynamically changing world. I m not saying all parents are like that, but many parents still don’t want to change their mind.

What are Indian values?

Indians generally place a high value on harmony and unity with others, keeping a strong nexus with their community and relatives. A unified and interdependent community or family provides a support system that an individual can rely on daily.

What are the family problems in India?

Families in India are undergoing vast changes like increasing divorce and separation rates, domestic violence, inter-generational conflicts, social problems of drug abuse, juvenile delinquency etc. These changes indicate the inability to cope with the pressures of the modern life.

What is the family structure of the Indian society?

Indian Family Structure, Indian Society. Indian Family Structure has transformed from a joint family unit to small nuclear units, with the passing decades. Indian Family Structure is believed to be the unit that teaches the values and worth of an honest living that have been carried down across generations.

Who are the members of the Indian family?

A polygynous family comprises a man, his two wives, and their unmarried children. Various other Indian family structures occur there, including the supplemented sub-polygynous household, where a woman whose husband lives elsewhere, stays with her children and other adult relatives.

How does the Indian family work in India?

Indians living abroad also maintain close connections to their family remaining in India through regular phone calls, sending remittances or visiting if circumstances allow. The concept of family extends beyond the typical nuclear unit to encompass the wider family circle.

How are family values modified in Indian society?

Family members modify behaviors in themselves and others by principles of social learning. In this process, the general norms and beliefs may be modified to suit the needs of the family creating a set of “family values” – A subset of societal norms unique to the family.

What are the four main types of families existing in Indian society? These are the stem family, lineal family, and extended or joint family; 5. Stem family: A family consisting of the family of procreation of one married child linked with the ego’s family of orientation in a common household is called a stem family.…