What are the disadvantages of a bus organization?

What are the disadvantages of a bus organization?

if the main cable fails or gets damaged the whole network will fail. as more workstations are connected the performance of the network will become slower because of data collisions. every workstation on the network “sees” all of the data on the network – this is a security risk.

What are the advantages of multiple bus organization?

Multiple Bus Organization Improves Efficiency Multiple buses permit several devices to work simultaneously, reducing time spent waiting and improving the computer’s speed. Performance improvements are the main reason for having multiple buses in a computer design.

What is the main advantage of multiple bus Organisation over a single bus?

Explanation: To make the access of the registers easier, we classify them into register files. 2. In ______ technology, the implementation of the register file is by using an array of memory locations. Explanation: By doing so the access of the registers can be made faster.

What is multiple bus organization?

Multiple bus organization has more number of associated registers than a single bus organization. The only single operand can be read from the bus using a single bus organization, but the number rises to two for multiple bus organizations.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of multiplexed bus?

The advantage of time multiplexing is the use of fewer lines, which saves space and, usually, cost. The disadvantage is that more complex circuitry is needed within each module. Also, there is a potential reduction in performance because certain events that share the same lines cannot take place in parallel.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using multiplexed?

1] It reduces ckt complexity and cost….Disadvantages:

  • Added delays in switching ports.
  • Limitations on which ports can be used simultaneously.
  • Extra IO many require to control multiplexer.
  • Added delays in I/O signals propagating through the multiplexer.

Why is bus hierarchy required?

bus hierarchy An interconnection system used when a single system bus cannot provide the degree of connectivity required. Devices are connected using multiple buses that are themselves then interconnected to form a hierarchical connection system.

What are the characteristics multi bus?

Multibus architecture Multibus is an asynchronous bus that accommodates devices with various transfer rates while maintaining maximum throughput. It had 20 address lines so it could address up to 1 Mb of Multibus memory and 1 Mb of I/O locations. Most Multibus I/O devices only decoded the first 64 Kb of address space.

What are the three lines of a system bus?

The bus consists of three types of wires, called lines. The control lines, which are collectively called the control bus, transmit the kind of bus transaction (e.g., READ, WRITE) and other information from the master to the slave.

What is the reason for incrementing the PC by 4 in a multi bus organization?

A second feature in Figure 2.7 is the introduction of the Incrementer unit, which is used to increment the PC by 4. Using the Incrementer eliminates the need to add 4 to the PC using the main ALD, as was done in single bus organization. The source for the constant 4 at the ALU input multiplexer is still useful.

What are the advantages of using a common bus?

Buses: Connecting I/O to Processor and Memory

  • Versatility:
  • New devices can be added easily.
  • Peripherals can be moved between computer.
  • Low Cost:
  • A single set of wires is shared in multiple ways.

What are the disadvantages of a bus organization? if the main cable fails or gets damaged the whole network will fail. as more workstations are connected the performance of the network will become slower because of data collisions. every workstation on the network “sees” all of the data on the network – this is a…