What are opposite vertices of a polygon?

What are opposite vertices of a polygon?

[′äp·ə·zət ′vərd·ə‚sēz] (mathematics) Two vertices of a polygon with an even number of sides that have the same number of sides between them along either path around the polygon from one vertex to the other.

What is the opposite of vertices?

Opposite of the highest point of something. base. bottom. nadir.

What does vertices of a polygon mean?

In geometry, a vertex (in plural form: vertices or vertexes), often denoted by letters such as , , , , is a point where two or more curves, lines, or edges meet. As a consequence of this definition, the point where two lines meet to form an angle and the corners of polygons and polyhedra are vertices.

What is called diagonal?

In geometry, a diagonal is a line segment joining two vertices of a polygon or polyhedron, when those vertices are not on the same edge. Informally, any sloping line is called diagonal.

How many types of convex polygon are there?

In geometry, there are many shapes that can be classified as convex polygons. For example, a hexagon is a closed polygon with six sides….Convex Polygon.

1. Convex Polygon Definition
2. Properties of a Convex Polygon
3. Concave vs Convex Polygon
4. Convex Polygon Formulas
5. FAQs on Convex Polygon

What is the line joining opposite vertices of a polygon called?

The segment joining the two opposite vertices in a polygon is called a diagonal.

What are vertices also called?

In number game: Graphs and networks. …or corners, are called the vertices, and the lines are called the edges. If every pair of vertices is connected by an edge, the graph is called a complete graph (Figure 13B).

What are consecutive vertices?

Consecutive vertices of a polygon are any two vertices that are connected by a single side.

What is the difference between vertex and vertices?

The word vertices is the plural of the word vertex. A vertex is an angular corner where two or more lines or edges meet between faces.

What is the simplest polygon?

Simple polygons are also called Jordan polygons, because the Jordan curve theorem can be used to prove that such a polygon divides the plane into two regions, the region inside it and the region outside it. A polygon in the plane is simple if and only if it is topologically equivalent to a circle.

What is diagonal formula?

The diagonal formula is defined as the formula for diagonals, to find the number of diagonals of different polygons and to find their lengths. The number of diagonal lines of an n-sided polygon = n(n-3)/2 where n is the number of sides. Let’s learn about formulas for diagonals of different polygons.

What are opposite vertices of a polygon? [′äp·ə·zət ′vərd·ə‚sēz] (mathematics) Two vertices of a polygon with an even number of sides that have the same number of sides between them along either path around the polygon from one vertex to the other. What is the opposite of vertices? Opposite of the highest point of something.…