Is Amenableness a word?

Is Amenableness a word?

The quality or state of willingly carrying out the wishes of others: Flashcards & Bookmarks ?

What does amenability meaning?

1 : liable to be brought to account : answerable citizens amenable to the law. 2a : capable of submission (as to judgment or test) : suited The data is amenable to analysis. b : readily brought to yield, submit, or cooperate a government not amenable to change.

What is the synonym of amenable?

Frequently Asked Questions About amenable Some common synonyms of amenable are docile, obedient, and tractable. While all these words mean “submissive to the will of another,” amenable suggests a willingness to yield or cooperate because of a desire to be agreeable or because of a natural open-mindedness.

What means biddable?

1 : easily led, taught, or controlled : docile. 2 : capable of being bid.

Which is the closest antonym for the word amenable?

antonyms for amenable

  • unsusceptible.
  • irresponsible.
  • not responsible.
  • unaccountable.
  • unanswerable.
  • unchargeable.
  • uncooperative.
  • unwilling.

What does Tractibility mean?

/ˌtræk.təˈbɪl.ə.ti/ the quality of being tractable (= easily dealt with, controlled, or persuaded): He demands great skill, or, if you have none, great tractability.

Is amenable a positive word?

both, it depends on the context of what you are trying to say positive Sarah is amenable to change. She learns new things easier than others. negative Sarah had an infection that is not amenable to any anti-biotic.

What is another word for well trained?

What is another word for well-trained?

obedient compliant
acquiescing assentive
nonviolent ruly
well brought up well-brought-up
sequacious conciliatory

What is the synonym of the word modern?

synonyms for modern contemporary. current. present-day. state-of-the-art. stylish.

Is Amenableness a word? The quality or state of willingly carrying out the wishes of others: Flashcards & Bookmarks ? What does amenability meaning? 1 : liable to be brought to account : answerable citizens amenable to the law. 2a : capable of submission (as to judgment or test) : suited The data is amenable…