How much does it cost for 10 days in Thailand?

How much does it cost for 10 days in Thailand?

In total, we spent 22220 THB (€600/$670) in the 10 days we were Thailand. As such, our Thailand travel budget per day comes down to an average of 2222THB (€60/$67) and includes almost all expenses in Thailand. Please note that flights to Thailand are not included in the budget.

How much Baht do I need for 10 days in Thailand?

If you’re looking to stay in Western hotels or expensive resorts, eat mostly Western food or in tourist areas, drink a lot, do a lot of tours, and fly a lot, you should budget 3,300–5,000 baht ($100–150 USD) per day. After that, the sky is the limit.

How much should I budget for a trip to Thailand?

You should plan to spend around ฿3,241 ($99) per day on your vacation in Thailand, which is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors. Past travelers have spent, on average, ฿481 ($15) on meals for one day and ฿384 ($12) on local transportation.

When should you not go to Phuket?

May-October From May to October, Phuket experiences monsoon season characterized by heavy rains and an angry ocean of powerful waves and dangerous rip currents. During this reason, swimming on the west coast of the island is not recommended.

How much did it cost to go to Thailand for 10 days?

When we were in Thailand, €1 was around 37THB and $1 around 33THB, but as the exchange rate varies this might be a little different now. In total, we spent 22220 THB (€600/$670) in the 10 days we were Thailand. As such, our Thailand travel budget per day comes down to an average of 2222THB (€60/$67) and includes almost all expenses in Thailand.

What to do in Thailand on a budget?

You can go all out, stay in fancy 5-star hotels and resorts and go on interesting organized tours with private transport. Or you can travel Thailand on a budget, and eat cheap (but delicious) street food and stay at budget (but quality) hotels and hostels. This post contains affiliate links. Please read my disclosure policy for more information.

How much does it cost to eat in Thailand?

While meal prices in Thailand can vary, the average cost of food in Thailand is ฿481 per day. Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when dining out an average meal in Thailand should cost around ฿192 per person.

How much does it cost to tip in Thailand?

The average price for Tips and Handouts in Thailand is ฿104 per day. The usual amount for a tip in Thailand is 5% – 15%. Unfortunately, bad things can happen on a trip.

How much does it cost for 10 days in Thailand? In total, we spent 22220 THB (€600/$670) in the 10 days we were Thailand. As such, our Thailand travel budget per day comes down to an average of 2222THB (€60/$67) and includes almost all expenses in Thailand. Please note that flights to Thailand are not…