How many air miles is it from Sacramento to Honolulu?
How many air miles is it from Sacramento to Honolulu?
Distance between Sacramento, CA (SMF) and Honolulu, HI (HNL) Flight distance from Sacramento to Honolulu (Sacramento International Airport – Honolulu Daniel K. Inouye International Airport) is 2462 miles / 3962 kilometers / 2140 nautical miles. Estimated flight time is 5 hours 9 minutes.
How many air miles from Portland to Honolulu?
Distance between Portland, OR (PDX) and Honolulu, HI (HNL) Flight distance from Portland to Honolulu (Portland International Airport – Honolulu Daniel K. Inouye International Airport) is 2603 miles / 4189 kilometers / 2262 nautical miles. Estimated flight time is 5 hours 25 minutes.
How many air miles is it from Philadelphia to Hawaii?
Distance between Philadelphia, PA (PHL) and Honolulu, HI (HNL) Flight distance from Philadelphia to Honolulu (Philadelphia International Airport – Honolulu Daniel K. Inouye International Airport) is 4920 miles / 7917 kilometers / 4275 nautical miles. Estimated flight time is 9 hours 48 minutes.
How many air miles is it from Denver to Hawaii?
The shortest distance (air line) between Hawaii and Denver is 3,281.13 mi (5,280.47 km).
How many hours is it from Sacramento to Hawaii?
Flight time from Sacramento, CA to Honolulu is 6 hours 10 minutes.
How far is the flight from Portland to Hawaii?
Flying time from Portland, OR to Hawaii The total flight duration from Portland, OR to Hawaii is 5 hours, 28 minutes.
How many miles do you need for a flight to Hawaii?
Main Cabin
To: | MileSAAver Off Peak | AAnytime Level 1 |
Contiguous 48 U.S. states & Canada | – | 20,000 |
Contiguous 48 U.S. states & Canada (≤ 500 miles)^ | – | 20,000 |
Alaska | – | 25,000 |
Hawaii | 20,000 | 40,000 |
How far is the flight from California to Hawaii?
How Long Is the Flight to Hawaii From California? For travelers who fly from Sacramento, San Francisco or San Jose, a direct flight to Honolulu takes about five hours and 40 minutes. The average flight to Honolulu from Los Angeles is typically only about 10 minutes longer, clocking in around five hours and 50 minutes.
How many hours is Hawaii from Philadelphia?
Average direct flight time is 9 hours 30 minutes. The fastest direct flight from Philadelphia to Hawaii is 9 hours 30 minutes.
Can you drive to Hawaii from Colorado?
Hawaii is located around 12460 KM away from Colorado so if you travel at the consistent speed of 50 KM per hour you can reach Colorado in 249.21 hours. Your Colorado travel time may vary due to your bus speed, train speed or depending upon the vehicle you use.
How many air miles is it from Denver to Honolulu?
The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between Honolulu and Denver. What is the travel distance between Denver, United States and Honolulu, United States? How many miles is it from Honolulu to Denver. 4008 miles / 6450.25 km is the flight distance between these two places.
How long is it from San Francisco to Hawaii?
Average direct flight time is 5 hours 26 minutes. The fastest direct flight from San Francisco to Hawaii is 5 hours 19 minutes.
How many air miles is it from Sacramento to Honolulu? Distance between Sacramento, CA (SMF) and Honolulu, HI (HNL) Flight distance from Sacramento to Honolulu (Sacramento International Airport – Honolulu Daniel K. Inouye International Airport) is 2462 miles / 3962 kilometers / 2140 nautical miles. Estimated flight time is 5 hours 9 minutes. How many…