How do you conjugate faire in the future?

How do you conjugate faire in the future?

Faire in The Near Future

  1. Je vais faire… I’m going to make/to do…
  2. Tu vas faire… You’re going to make/to do….
  3. Il/Elle va faire… S/he’s going to make/to do…
  4. Nous allons faire…. We’re going to make/to do…
  5. Vous allez faire…. You’re going to make/to do….
  6. Ils/Elles vont faire… They’re going to make/to do…

What is Faire in future simple?

To conjugate the irregular verb faire (to do / to make) in Futur Simple, you use: fer- + the following endings: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Look at these examples: Je ferai des crêpes pour le petit-déjeuner.

What is the past participle of faire?

The tense of the verb faire sets the tense for the construction, and the past participle is invariable: Nous ferons ériger un monument sur ce site.

Is voir regular?

Voir is one of the most important French verbs – here’s how to conjugate it into every tense and mood. Voir is an irregular -ir verb.

How to conjugate Faire in the future tense?

Conjugate faire in Le Futur (future tense) The verb faire in Futur Simple has an irregular stem : fer- To conjugate the irregular verb faire (to do / to make) in Futur Simple, you use: fer- + the following endings: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont

Which is the most irregular form of the faire conjugation?

While the verb is one of the most common in French, the faire conjugation is also quite irregular. First off, let’s see what the faire conjugation looks like in le présent (the present tense). The good news is that this is the most irregular form of the faire conjugation so they get easier from here.

What does the word faire mean in French?

Faire (to do, to make) – Verb Tables. French Verb Conjugations. Faire is one of the most common French verbs – here’s how to conjugate it into every tense and mood.

Which is the auxiliary participle of the verb faire?

The passé composé of the verb faire is conjugated using the auxiliary verb avoir followed by the past participle of faire – fait. For the compound tenses, the auxiliary verb conjugates, but the verb faire does not. J’ ai fait la vaiselle I did the dishes

How do you conjugate faire in the future? Faire in The Near Future Je vais faire… I’m going to make/to do… Tu vas faire… You’re going to make/to do…. Il/Elle va faire… S/he’s going to make/to do… Nous allons faire…. We’re going to make/to do… Vous allez faire…. You’re going to make/to do…. Ils/Elles vont…