How do you ask who is calling politely?

How do you ask who is calling politely?

Introduce yourself Say “Hello, this is (name)” to let people know who you are. If you answer the phone and the caller doesn’t give his name, you can say “May I ask who’s calling, please?”.

How do you politely decline a call request?

Examples for Declining Meetings

  1. I can’t attend this meeting, but I’d like to chat with you about this.
  2. I know our schedules are all very busy.
  3. Apologies, but I’m not available for this meeting.
  4. I’m sorry I’m not available at the time you requested.
  5. I don’t think I’m the right person to attend this meeting.

Is it rude to ask who is calling?

“May I ASK who is calling” has a note of nosiness to it, and does not imply that the need to know is just to relay the name. Before I learned this trick, people would sometimes take offense at the question. However, using the word “say” instead of the word “ask” has never resulted in offense taken.

How do you call politely?

Greet the other caller politely. If you know the person you are calling, be sure to identify yourself before starting the conversation. Common, polite greetings for placing a call are, “Hello, my name is… How are you doing today?” If you are answering a call, a common greeting would be, “Hi, how are you?

Is it rude to not tell someone your name?

Bluntly asking for a name is usually considered quite rude, so you want to approach it from a position of sharing information rather than demanding it.

Am I speaking with or am I talking to?

Since the person with whom you are speaking is the object, the correct way to ask is “With whom am I speaking” or ” Whom am I speaking with” Prepositons are preferably not used at the end of a sentence. “To whom am I speaking ” is wrong as far as the preposition is concerned.

What is your name Formal?

A formal way could be: May I have your name? (Adding please, excuse me, etc to make it more polite.) In my opinion, there is no real formal or informal way of asking for someone’s name.

What’s the best way to politely refuse a call?

Best way is to send a small and polite message on call rejection like – “ Sorry, I am uanble to take your call at the moment. I will call you back as soon as possible. Thanks”. If you think that call doesn’t require that much attention, then just ignore it. You are not liable to answer each and every call we get.

How to politely decline a request from someone?

Often times, someone’s request just isn’t possible to fulfill immediately. You may not know if it’s possible, you need another person’s authorization or it could be something completely different. In these situations, tell the person that you will check and get back to them at a later point in time.

What happens if you politely decline a question?

That’s how you simply politely decline. If you create an elaborate answer to someone’s question just to refuse their plea, two things can happen. One, they might think that you’re lying because of how detailed your answer is. Two, they will find a way to talk you into saying yes by finding a loophole in your answer.

How to politely refuse an unsolicited sales call?

Tell the caller that you’re in the middle of a discussion or rushing a deadline, and ask if they can call back later or the next day. If it’s an unsolicited sales call, tell them firmly but nicely to remove your name and number off their call list so that they don’t call back.

How do you ask who is calling politely? Introduce yourself Say “Hello, this is (name)” to let people know who you are. If you answer the phone and the caller doesn’t give his name, you can say “May I ask who’s calling, please?”. How do you politely decline a call request? Examples for Declining Meetings…