How do I Transpose data in Excel VBA?

How do I Transpose data in Excel VBA?

Follow the below steps to use Transpose in VBA. Step 1: Insert a new module and define a new sub-procedure to create a macro in VBA. Step 2: Define a new variable which can hold your one-dimensional array. Step 3: Define the list as an array using the Array function.

How do you dynamically Transpose data in Excel?

Select the original data and copy it. Select the top left cell of the destination range. On the Ribbon’s Home tab, click the Paste drop down arrow. Click Transpose.

How do you Transpose a data set in Excel?

Transpose Data using Paste Special

  1. Select the data set (in this case A1:E5).
  2. Copy the dataset (Control + C) or right-click and select copy.
  3. Now you can paste the transposed data in a new location.
  4. In the paste special dialogue box, check the transpose option in the bottom right.
  5. Click OK.

How do you automate transpose in Excel?

TRANSPOSE function

  1. Step 1: Select blank cells. First select some blank cells.
  2. Step 2: Type =TRANSPOSE( With those blank cells still selected, type: =TRANSPOSE(
  3. Step 3: Type the range of the original cells. Now type the range of the cells you want to transpose.
  4. Step 4: Finally, press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.

How do I copy and paste transpose in Excel VBA?

Copy Data Paste another Workbook Transpose Automatically using Excel VBA

  1. First select the data.
  2. Next copy it.
  3. Open the workbook in which you wish to paste it.
  4. Find the next empty or blank column.
  5. Select a cell next to the column containing data like headers.

How do I link vertical data to horizontal in Excel?

To accomplish that maneuver, follow these steps:

  1. Select the vertical data.
  2. Type Ctrl C to copy.
  3. Click in the first cell of the horizontal range.
  4. Type Alt E, then type S to open the Paste Special dialog.
  5. Choose the Transpose checkbox as shown in Figure 1.
  6. Click OK.

How do I TRANSPOSE large data in Excel?

You can try Transpose Data using Paste Special in Excel…

  1. Select the data set (in this case A1:E5).
  2. Copy the dataset (Control + C) or right-click and select copy.
  3. Now you can paste the transposed data in a new location.
  4. In the paste special dialogue box, check the transpose option in the bottom right.
  5. Click OK.

How do you transpose data?

Transpose (rotate) data from rows to columns or vice versa

  1. Select the range of data you want to rearrange, including any row or column labels, and press Ctrl+C.
  2. Choose a new location in the worksheet where you want to paste the transposed table, ensuring that there is plenty of room to paste your data.

How do I transpose large data in Excel?

What is Transpose function in Excel?

The TRANSPOSE function returns a vertical range of cells as a horizontal range, or vice versa. Use TRANSPOSE to shift the vertical and horizontal orientation of an array or range on a worksheet.

Where is Transpose in Excel?

To transpose data, execute the following steps.

  1. Select the range A1:C1.
  2. Right click, and then click Copy.
  3. Select cell E2.
  4. Right click, and then click Paste Special.
  5. Check Transpose.
  6. Click OK.

How do I Transpose data in Excel VBA? Follow the below steps to use Transpose in VBA. Step 1: Insert a new module and define a new sub-procedure to create a macro in VBA. Step 2: Define a new variable which can hold your one-dimensional array. Step 3: Define the list as an array using…