How do I see user roles in WordPress?

How do I see user roles in WordPress?

You can’t get user role directly. First, you have to get the user_meta_data, and it will return an Object that will contain user roles. Code: $user_meta=get_userdata($user_id); $user_roles=$user_meta->roles; //array of roles the user is part of.

How do you find the current user role?

To get the current user role in WordPress you need first to check if the user is logged in then use the wp_get_current_user() function to retrieve the data about the roles.

How do I add a user role in WordPress?

Plugin Method: Using A WordPress Custom User Role Plugin

  1. After installing and activating this plugin navigate to wp-admin → Users → Add New Role.
  2. Enter the role title (e.g Comments Moderator)
  3. Select the capabilities for this new user role (e.g. moderate comments, read)
  4. Click on Add Role button.

What is the role of author in WordPress?

In WordPress, the term author refers to a predefined user role. A user with author role can upload files, write, edit, publish and delete their own articles. They can also edit their profile and change their passwords.

How do I know if a user is admin or not WordPress?

To check if the currently logged in user is an administrator, use the current_user_can function. To check if a user is an administrator, you can specify the capability as an argument of current_user_can function (e.g. manage_options).

Can a WordPress user have multiple roles?

Yes, WordPress allows this. You can do it in your code: $someone = new WP_User( $user_id ); $someone->add_role( ‘role-1’ ); $someone->add_role( ‘role-2’ ); You can also use a plugin such as Multiple Roles.

How to set WordPress User roles and why?

click on Users option in your Dashboard.

  • Click on Edit to change User settings. Here you will be able to find a list of all site users.
  • a long list of options available will appear.
  • Possibility of disabling visual editor.
  • Don’t forget to save.
  • How to create custom WordPress User roles?

    A walk through basic WordPress functions Define the user role. As the very first step, you need to assign a name to your custom user role. Write the code for custom user role. With that, you’re done with creating a new user role. Adding functionality to the newly created custom user role. Since the new custom user role doesn’t have any functionality assigned to it, you need to add the same.

    What can different WordPress User roles do?

    Administrator. This is the role assigned to you when you create a website. The administrator is at the very top of…

  • an editor is generally responsible for managing content and thus has…
  • Author. An author has far fewer permissions than editors. They cannot edit pages and are…
  • How to manage your WordPress users?

    Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.

  • Click Users from the main menu.
  • Click the user name for the profile you want to manage.
  • and then click Update Profile
  • How do I see user roles in WordPress? You can’t get user role directly. First, you have to get the user_meta_data, and it will return an Object that will contain user roles. Code: $user_meta=get_userdata($user_id); $user_roles=$user_meta->roles; //array of roles the user is part of. How do you find the current user role? To get the current…