How do I run a command line in VBScript?

How do I run a command line in VBScript?

To execute a query such as VBScript.vbs as a command-prompt application

  1. Open a command window and change the directory to the path of the script.
  2. Submit the query by entering, at the command-line prompt, cscript vbscript.vbs.

How do I run a VBScript from a scheduled task?


  1. A VB script can run directly from Windows task schedule. In the task scheduler, select Add a new scheduled task. Following the prompts, browse to select your . vbs file.
  2. Use the absolute file path in the command.
  3. Or call vbs file from a . bat file.
  4. cscript //nologo c:\test.vbs.

How do I run a .bat file in VBScript?

Plus the last line is different in all 4 scripts:

  1. call.vbs objShell.Run Join(args, ” “), 1, True.
  2. call_nowait.vbs objShell.Run Join(args, ” “), 1, False.
  3. call_nowindow.vbs objShell.Run Join(args, ” “), 0, True.
  4. call_nowindow_nowait.vbs objShell.Run Join(args, ” “), 0, False.

How do I run an EXE from a VBScript parameter?

2 Answers

  1. Run setup.exe with the full path, as suggested by @AlexK.. You probably need to provide the full path to Install. xml too.
  2. Change the working directory to the folder containing your script and setup.exe and run the command without path (or the relative path . \setup.exe ).

What is VBScript with examples?

VBScript (Visual Basic Script) is developed by Microsoft with the intention of developing dynamic web pages. It is client-side scripting language like JavaScript. VBScript is a light version of Microsoft Visual Basic. The syntax of VBScript is very similar to that of Visual Basic. VBScript is just a scripting language.

How do I run a VBScript file?

To run scripts using WScript.exe

  1. Click the Start button, and then click Run.
  2. In the Open field, type the full path of the script, and then click OK. You can also type WScript followed by the full name and path of the script you want to run.

What is WScript EXE?

wscript.exe is a legitimate file. This process is known as Microsoft Windows Based Script Host and belongs to software Microsoft Windows Operating System. The malware programmers or cyber criminals write different types of malicious programs and name it as wscript.exe virus to damage the software and hardware.

How do I run a batch file without opening a command window?

You can also just make a shortcut to the . bat or . cmd file, then right-click on the shortcut, Properties, Shortcut tab, Run: Minimized.

What is Wscript exe?

What is VBScript file?

VBScript (“Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition”) is an Active Scripting language developed by Microsoft that is modeled on Visual Basic. It allows Microsoft Windows system administrators to generate powerful tools for managing computers with error handling, subroutines, and other advanced programming constructs.

How do I run a command line in VBScript? To execute a query such as VBScript.vbs as a command-prompt application Open a command window and change the directory to the path of the script. Submit the query by entering, at the command-line prompt, cscript vbscript.vbs. How do I run a VBScript from a scheduled task?…